Chapter 6

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Mood : What is love - Jaymes young

"What is wrong?What is right? give me a sign .. What is love ? baby dont hurt me "

Me : Hey Zayyynnn!

Niall: Hey Zayn you came on time

Zayn: yeah now ride the car to get your bags from your houses

Zayn rode the car and I went to home and said goodbye to my mum .. 2 sisters , then we went to Niall's home to get his bags .. And now we've just arrived the airport

Me: I cant believe  Im gonna see him

Niall: Im so happy for you mate

Zayn: I'll be here waiting for you guys  ! Im gonna miss ya

Niall: me too mate Im gonna miss you so much

Me: We'll call you from  there Zayn

I checked my phone

Me: Harry  Ive wont open today hbd and wish you happiness

Harry: Tnx Lou Im gonna be so busy too the party will start at 8:00 pm so I wont open to prepare it

Louis: wish I could come :(

Harry: me too Lou me too :(

Louis : gtg now bye

We entered the plane .. Zayn was so sad .. Omg Im gonna miss him so much :( .. We -me and niall- talked in the plane .. It wasnt borinf cuz he was with me

We arrived at Paris at last at (8:09 pm) .. The party ofcurse started soI was so excited but I had to wear nice clothes cuz I wasnt prepared .. Niall told me that his uncle " Simon " lived there and we went to him

Simon: omg Niall It's been years! Im glad to see you ! You've grown up ! welcome boys its your home :)

Niall: tnx uncle I missed you so much

Me: tysm Im Niall's freind

we talked and then enter Simon's room .. There were many suits I chose one and dress perfume and then get out of the room to show Niall

Me: Do I look good Niall?

niall: you look so good Louis omG

Me: Tnx Mate! you look so perfect too!

Niall: now lets go its 8:00pm

We took a taxi to the place Harry's house is .. It was a huge house and the sound of music was so high .. I found someone entering.. I entered me and Niall with him ..

I want to forget that day ..

When I opened the door I found Harry with a guy... Harry was cuddling and kissing a guy ........

I sat on my place unable to speak  ... People around me talking but I didnt hear a sound ... I couldnt see anything except Harry and the guy ... Do you know the meaning of being broken and hurt? I stood amazed and I dont know How long I stood there .. For moments I remember everything .. The chats  the texts , how much he made me happy .. Broken .. I felt my heart broken into million pieces .. How fool I was to trust him .. I found him push away the guy and smiled then kissed him again so passionally .. I stood there like I have a heart attack .. Its Harry .. then Harry pushe daway and saw me .. He stared at me with a shocked face .. I ran away .. I cried so much while I was running ..

Niall: Louis please wait stop crying Lou its okay this bitch doesnt deserve anything Im srry Louis

Me: Niall lets go back home

I found Harry running outside of the house but I took quickley a taxi with Niall quickly and returned to his uncle.. I was crying so hard .. I entered his uncle's house and entered the bathroom .. I found a cutter .. I took it and cut cry blood cut cry blood cut cry blood .. At last I fainted

The next day I wake up to find me room sleeping in bed , I found Niall next me .. He seemed as if he was cryimg the whole night .. I looked at my hands to find scars .. I remembered this day .. I thought it was a nightmare .. But it was real .. Everything was fucking real .. I hate myself and my life ...


Ik its so sad Srry :/
hope you like this chapter :)

Omegle -Larry stylinsonWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt