Day Six continued.

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Day Six 4/6/13

Present :

"You all know the words to this song.."

Niall paused and smiled big out at the crowd.

"This is What Makes You Beautiful, sing along!"

And as of that the entire stage, room, arena was bursting with energy. I smiled and sang along with the boys and the fans.


Day Six

Journal :

I am back at the tour bus for the night, that was the most amazing thing ever. Each one of those boys sang beautifully, im so proud of them all. Niall suprised me afterwards with dinner and a movie, it was perfect. But I was called more nasty names, i didnt say anything to Niall because it was his night, not mine. I just decided to let go of the thought.

A/N I just started the other half, and its going to be a decent length. so im cutting this one super short and posting the next day in like 10 minutes, so enjoy this!

Diaries Of A Directioner On Tour (SEQUEL)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ