Day One

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Day One 4/1/13


Hi diary, how have you been? Well if you had the chance to talk, I'd hope you ask me the same thing. Well I'm doing great, to be honest. No thoughts of suicide, death, or even Emma, isn't that awesome? I think it's wondwrful, and come to think of it, tonight is the boys first concert, we're in New York, New York. I'm very excited, Niall told me i could meet some of the fans, but i had to pretend i was part of managemet or something, so no one would get suspicious. I can understand, he is famous worldwide, but shouldn't he be able to show me off? I mean, Lou, Liam and Zayn can, why can't Niall? Does that sound selfish? I hope not, it just kind of bothers me, but maybe Simon will change his mind, and let us be public. You never know? Right now, Niall and I are driving to go see Simon, to talk to him about us. Niall is singing loudly like an idiot, and its adorable.



Niall screamed loudly into my ear, i pushed him away.

"Pay attention to the road, Niall!"

I yelled as he almost hit a little boy, Niall laughed.

"That's mean."

I mumbled, we came to a red light. Niall leaned over back to my face a left a kiss on my cheek, then took his hand, and turned my face, leaving another one on my lips. I smiled as he parted when the guy behind us honked.

"Wait a fucking minute!"

Niall yelled as he waved his hands, he pressed on the gas and drove off.


"Simon is ready to see you."

A lady at the front desk said, Niall stood up, and slipped his hand into mine, and we walked down the hall. Niall knocked twice before he entered.

"Ay! Niall! How have you been? Sit down!"

I sat down next to Niall, never have i ever, thought i would end up in an office like this. Then again, I cold be in here more often now that i am dating Niall. "So whats up?"

Simon asked, Niall squeezed my hand, hinting to Simon basically the entire reason why we were here in the first place. Niall huffed his breath, and held me my hand tighter.

"Simon, if you don't already know yet, this is my girlfriend, Tessa."

He paused, Simon continued to nod his head.

"And i wanted to know, if we were aloud to go public?"

He asked, Simon laid back in his chair, and tapped his pen on his desk. Then he got up and went over to a filing cabinet, and pulled out paper work or all sorts. Niall released his hand from mine and started to run his fingers through his hair, then twisted his fingers, i have realized that he does that when he is nervous. Simon let the wait go on for some time, Niall and I were on the edges of our seats. Finally after what seemed like eternity he sat back on his chair, and held paperwork.

"Niall and Tessa, you may go public."

Niall jumped up like he was lightning, he pulled me up, and wrapped me in a hug.

"Niall..can't breathe."

I mumbled under my breathe.


He huffed, and sat back down, i did the same.

"But, there will be rules, and directions on how we announce it."

Niall nodded his head, and slipped his hand back into mine.

"First, you must start going out together, on dates, but no affection. On the fourth or fifth date, you may hold hands, and kisses on the cheek. Then tenth or eleventh date, you may kiss. By then the paparazzi should know, and interviews after the "first kiss" you can state you are together."

I rubbed my head, hopefully Niall caught that all, because i didn't.

"Also, she may not talk to fans until you are together."

I nodded at his rules, and directions. I was perfectly fine with all of this, as long as i was aloud to be with him. Niall stood up, and smiled warmly at me.

"Ready to go?"

He asked me, i stood up and smiled.

"Ready!..but where are we going..?"

I asked, he laughed.

"My concert!"

I laughed, and he put his hand in mine.

"Goodluck Niall."

Simon said, Niall nodded and we were off.


NIALL AND I CAN GO PUBLIC!!! I am thrilled, but we do have some rules and directions but im not going to explain them, because i didn't listen. Niall did, hahah. Right now, Niall is singing again, and we are off to his concert in New York, New York. I said that earlier, but whatever. If im to tired to write anything tonight, ill tell you what happens tomorrow!


"Before we get out..kiss me."

Niall whined, i shook my head.


He frowned, and gave me puppy dog eyes.

"For goodluck?"

I smiled, and kissed him gently on his lips, and we got out. Fans were everywhere as soon as he stepped out. He ran around to my side and opened the door so i wasn't ambushed. We made our way through and inside.


Louis shouted loudly, i pretended to roll my eyes, and walk past him.

"Hi Harry, Liam and Zayn."

I winked at them, so that they would play along.



I turned around and said in a snappy tone, he backed up, looking hurt.

"Im kidding Lou!"

I said while jumping into the boys arms, he spun me around, i heard laughing and saw flashing. Wonderful. Lou let me down, and there was paparazzi everywhere.

"Hi Lou."

Eleanor said as she walked over, my heart raced a million times faster.

"Hi babe, Tess, you'll be sitting with El in the front row, ok?"

I nodded, trying to keep cool as Louis told me this. Eleanor lead me out to our seats and we sat there.

"So how did you meet them?"

She asked, i started to wonder, and think about that.

"Well, Louis's mom was my therapist, or counselor, and Niall and I met over twitter."

She nodded, and smiled.


The announcer yelled through the microphone, i jumped to my feet as my dreams became reality. I didn't believe this i was front row of my favorite band. As the boys came running out, Niall stopped and smiled at me. I just wanted to enjoy tonight.

"This is a song some of you may know, so sing along!"

Liam shouted through the microphone, and just as he yelled it, the beat of 'What Makes You Beautiful' came on. I didn't care if i looked like a crazy fangirl, it would be worth it in the end.


Hellooooooo fellow Directioners. :) i hope you enjoyed the update! Took forever but hurrr. Ohhh, i have made changes, so pretend like the original never happend!


Drum roll please.... Directioner4life1240 gets the shoutout!!

who wants the next shoutout? ;)

Diaries Of A Directioner On Tour (SEQUEL)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon