~Chapter Two~

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Readers POV

(A couple days later)

"Ugh," You groaned well you shuffled through the halls of the conference building, "Another meeting ending in no progress and pointless fighting."

When I took this job I thought I'd witness amazing people trying to make a difference in our, not a band of idiots...

Well walking you heard someone talking aloud in a near by room, I wonder who it is?

You move towards the door and over hear England having a one sided conversation.

"...You have no idea how much I hate that Frog!" England continued ranting, "Seriously though, he drives me crazy with his excessive teasing and his perverse values!"

Okay, whose he talking to though? You leaned closer to the door, as you leaned against it swung open, knocking you to the ground in front of England.

"I say, what's this about?!" A shocked England rushes over to help you up.

"Sorry sir," You scrabble to your feel before England could touch you, "I was just wondering the halls and um..." You thought about what to say, "I wanted to see if you needed any..." You were about to finish you noticed something floating over England's shoulder.

"What?" England said looking over his shoulder.

"Is that a green flying bunny?" You looked at it confused.

"Oh," England smiled at the flying bunny, "This is..." He this looked at you shocked, "WAIT YOU CAN SEE HIM?!"

You turned from the bunny back to England, "I think so..."

"Wow!" He grabbed your hands, "This is amazing! Another person who can see my friends!"

"Wait, no one else can see them?!" You questioned worried about your own sanity.

"Well," England, now a little embarrassed, let go of your hands and cleared this throat, "France says he can, and I'm pretty sure Iceland can as well."

I'm surrounded by crazy people!!

"I- I gotta go." You said with a bow, "Sorry sir."

You quickly turned and ran from the room, leaving England behind you.

You quickly turn a corner running straight into a tall man.

"Oft!" You groan.

Looking up you see a dirty smile on Frances face.

Oh no...

"Ah! Mon cher! Where are you running off to?" He asked putting his hands on your shoulders.

"Um, back to the kitchen sir." You said unsuccessfully trying to pull yourself out of his grip.

"Now why would you do that, when you could join me instead." He finished with his perverted chuckle.

"I think I should be getting back to work now, sir." You said in a very serious tone now.

"Yeah France, leave her alone." England protested joining the two of you in the hallway. He put his arms around your waist and pulled you away from France.

France looked at the two shocked for a second, then a sinister grin grew on his face, "Hohoho! Looks like someone's into the help!"

"The help?!" Technically you were the help, but you still took offence to that.

"What are you talking about, you bloody idiot!" England, now ready it go at it with France.

France, still smirking, pointed down to you waist, "Well, for starters you still haven't let her go."

The both of you looked bow, just noticing England still holding you. Quickly, the both of you broke apart.

Embarrassed, you gave them a bow apologize and ran back to the kitchen as fast as you could.

Once you were in the safety of the kitchen you sat down. What is wrong with these people? You thought to yourself as you caught your breath.

From behind you, you could hear a faint knock.

Ugh, what now?!

You got up and walked over to the kitchen door. You put on a fake smile, like you always did, and opened the door.
On the other side was England.

Ugh, why...

"Can I help you with anything sir?" You asked not looking him in the face.

"Well," England smiled sheepishly, "I was wondering if you wanted to hangout some time?" He asked also not really looking at you.

You turned to him a little shocked, "Um, sir?"

"Not like a date or anything!" He quickly corrected himself, "There's going to be other people there, like America and some others."

You gave him a shy smile, "Okay England, text me the details." You handed him your phone.

He chuckled under his breath, "Please, call me Arthur." He said entering his number and writing down yours.

"Oh, like King Arthur!" You said thinking about the stories you used to read as a kid.

"Ha," Arthur laughed nervously, "I guess you could say that..."

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