~Chapter One~

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(Note: Please mind the spelling! I write these late at night, or on my way home from work. I do double check them, but sometimes I'll just add parts in randomly and forget to proofread it afterwards. Anyways enjoy~!)

It's your first day working at the world conference head quarters. You got the job through a old friend from high school.

Readers POV

You looked down at the long skirted maid-looking uniform in front of you.
Do I seriously have to wear this? You thought to yourself.

After getting the stupid thing on, you quickly went to the kitchen where you were to wait for further orders.

"Alright team!" You heard an older woman's voice call out, "Today there is another world conference and that means we have to be on our A-Game!"

A little weirded out by the almost military like head server, you started questioning why you even took the job.

"... Like every world conference meeting I will remind you that some of the Countries are a little grabby, so if you have a problem with that just avoid going anywhere near..." the head server paused for a second as she pulled her IPad out of her pocket and cleared her throat, "Now, if you're new, pay attention! The ones to avoid are: Prussia, France, sometimes Spain, sometimes Italy, also, but not as often, Grease and Turkey."

They have a list, really?! You thought to yourself now really regretting getting this job.

"Now, the meeting has begun, so let's get their drink orders!" The head server said opening the kitchen doors letting all the servers out.

Once in the conference room the group of twelve servers dispersed and quickly took drink orders.

You walked over to the least intimidating looking man there, he had blonde, jaw length hair, blue eyes and a cute little polar bear on his lap.

"Hello sir, can I get you something to drink?" You asked in your sweetest tone.

At first the man looked up at you shocked, then look down at his bear then back up to you, "I'm sorry, were you talking to me?" He asked in a calm, almost whisper like voice.

"Ugh," you were a little taken back by the question, "yeah, I was sir."

"Oh," he almost seemed excited now, "Well, I guess I'll have a maple tea then, please."

"Of course!" You smiled down at him, he's so pleasantly polite.

You quickly ran back to the kitchen to grab the young man his tea. On your way back to him you were stopped by a brown hair boy with his eyes closed, "Scusi, miss?" he smiled up at you, "Would you be able to bring me some yummy pasta?" He asked in a adorable Italian accent. You were about to give him an answer when the taller, more muscular man behind you piped in, "Italy, this is not the place for you to be eating Pasta!" The clearly German man half ordered to Italy.
"But Germany, I'm so hungry, and I even brought my own noodles-"

You walked away at that point, both worried that the blonde man with the bear's tea was getting cold and that the two other men were going to be arguing for a while.

"Here you go, sir!" You said again very sweetly to the shy blonde man in front of you.

"Thanks a lot." He said with a smile as you placed the cup in front of him.
"You're very welcome." You smiled down at him.

"No seriously," he said as his cheeks began to turn a little pink, "You're the first server to notice me in a while." He admitted.

You instantly felt bad for the sheepish man in front of you, "Well-" you began to speak before an other blonde man with glasses came out of nowhere and put the shy man in a head lock.

"Hey Canada! Looks like someone's got themselves a girlfriend!" He teased now messing Canada's hair.

"What? No, she's not my girlfriend America!" Canada pushed his way out of Americas grip.

"Oh," America looked up at you, "then I guess you wouldn't mind me asking her on a date then." He chuckled, getting up and grabbing your hand.

"So how about it? You, me, my place. We could Net-" before he could finish a shorter blonde man with green eyes and eyebrows for days smacked the back of Americas head, making him cry out in pain.
"Seriously America, have you no shame? How dare you, basically, harass this poor girl like your some kind of Frog! Let her do her job!" He lectured America in a Posh British accent, now pulling America by one of his cheeks.

"What's the point of living if you can't be shameless every once in a while." A well dressed blonde man, that you assumed was France because of his accent, chimed in with a wink.

"Oh piss off you stupid toad!" Britain snarled at France, "Why don't you just run away like you always do!"

You watched as Britain and France began fighting like middle school boys over a toy.

Seriously... These people are heads of countries... You thought loosing all hope in human kind.

You moved away from the conference table and watched with the other servers as the whole room went into a child like frenzy.

As you started hating your job again, you notice Canada shyly smiling in your direction.

Okay, maybe its not that bad~

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