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"Mom," his voice speaks over the phone. "Please... I want to come home. Let me come home!" 

"Percy, I would love that more than anything," Sally speaks, her heart breaking for her son. "But you can't do that. Gabe... You know he spent a lot of money to send you to Neptune Academy. He will be mad if you come home before the school year is over." 

"I never wanted to be here in the first place!" Percy says with a voice full of hurt. 

Dead. The phone dies before Percy or his mother could say anymore. He slams the phone on the ground and buries his face in his hands, wishing for something, just one thing,  that was good in his life. He did not want to be at a boarding school for troubled kids on the coast, thousands of miles away from home. Right now, all he wants is to be at home with his mother. He knows that sounds lame for a sixteen year old, but he really doesn't care. He wishes that his mom never married Gabe, he has ruined their lives in more ways than one. 

After a few minutes of crying, Percy wipes away his tears and looks out at the night sky. He remembers a friend he used to know. A girl named Zoe Nightshade. She loved looking at the stars. She went to a boarding school that Percy used to go to. They used to be like best friends, but they lost contact. He knew that somewhere out there, Zoe was looking at the same stars. The thought of Zoe Nightshade made him sad, so he stops looking and gets dressed for bed. 

"Tomorrow will be better," Percy says out loud but no one but him hears because he lives in a dorm room by himself. "You promised your mom that you would stop. You have to be strong Percy. For her." He rubs the scars on his wrist and drifts off to sleep.

Village of Secrets (pjo/hoo fanfic) [On Hold]Where stories live. Discover now