Quick Cute HeadCannons

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1. Papyrus-Plays dress up with Mettaton and frisk all the time
2.Frisk-Plays soccer and does Ballet
3.Toriel-Has a pet snail named Snailsy
4.Sans-Has a beautiful singing voice but no one has ever heard him sing
5.Undyne-Hates playing the Wii because she always loses and breaks the controller
6.Alphys-Gets really upset when her head cannons/Ships  don't come true
(Don't we all)
7.Asgore-Own more than 50+ Hawaiian shirts
8.Mettaton-Has stage fright but concurs his fears every show
9.Flowey-Hate fertilizer so very much but loves pizza
10.Asriel-Hates flowers
11.BurgerPants-Is in a relationship with NiceCream Guy/Bunny (nicepants all the way)
12.Catty/Bratty- They dated once
13.Blooky-is Shyrens best friend  besides her sister
12.Mad Dummy- him mettaton and Blooky are cousins (I think this is cannon but I'm not 100% sure )
That's it for now

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