Half Monser Half Human

870 29 4

:this is a general question for anyone who an answer it but,is it possible for someone to be half monster half human?And if so could they use magic?

Sans:*clears throat and is wearing his glasses and lab coat*Well I've done research on this with....uh..never mind I can't remember...But it would be possible but a human and a monster would have to uh.."Do It" plus it depends on what kind of monster it is but say it is a monster who can reproduce and so can said human
The child would be able to use very small amount of magic but still use it
The child wou-
Papyrus:Sans! I Wa-Woah You Look Really Smart!How Did You Get That Lab Coat And Glasses And All This Sciencey Stuff..?
Sans:.....*sweats*uh th-there just um
Toys!alphys let me borrow...yaaaaa
Papyrus:Oh!Ok I Forgot Why I Was Here..Well By Sans!
Sans:by pap..that was close...heh

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