“Roxy…the police ain’t coming” said Vince, smirking.

I rolled my eyes. “I know dude!! Hello, effect!!”

They chuckled until Hade butted in. “Yeah they are!! I called them!”


Flashback over.

So, we did get outta there before the police came. Not before, burning the whole thing down.

And Mack?

Well, he’s living with us, and he dyed his hair blue so he doesn’t look like Mase and…it worked.

Mack’s actually been a lot of help, he actually helped me and I thank him so much for it.

Now that is family.

The ones that have your back, that never leave you, that always wish for your damn happiness.

This is my family.

So, school tomorrow, and…I’m actually looking forward to it, I guess.

Hopefully, he-who-shall-not-be-named won’t be there, man Harry Potter is awesome!! Such a shame it’s finished.

Because…I will take my wand out and go Crucio all over that dick’s ass.

And if you don’t watch Harry Potter or don’t know what Crucio is then why the hell have you been?

Crucio is the spell is one of the Forbidden curses, The Cruciatus Curse. The spell delivers a lot of pain to the person it is casted upon, it tortures them making it perfect for he-who-shall-not-be-named.

“Blahh!!” I said randomly, throwing myself down on the couch. “I’m bored!!”

“Uhh…we could play Black Ops?” Eric offered, lying down on Hade.

“Ugh!! GET YOUR FAT ASS OFF ME!!” Hade yelled. “DADDY!!”

Eric rolled off him causing Haden to groan and whine. I rolled my eyes.


“SHAME!! I MERKED YOUR ASSES!!” I yelled, punching the air with my fist and doing an awesome victory dance but ‘accidentally’ stepping on Hade’s hand.

“No you didn’t!” They argued.

“Uhh, yeah I did!! Who won?! Who got 54 kills?!” I yelled, kicking Hade in the gut on ‘accident’

“Stop dancing, yo fool” Haden groaned acting like Baracus from The A-Team.

I gasped, loudly and dramatically.

“LET’S WATCH THE A-TEAM!!” I yelled, putting both hands in the air.

“Nah, what about ‘Just Go with It’” Hade recommended, only to be smacked in the back of the head by Eric.

“It’s a chick flick dude, guys don’t watch it”

“Hey! It’s an awesome movie!!”

“Have you seen it?” I asked Hade, grinning and putting my hands on my hips.

“No…” He said frowning, then smiling. “But I read the reviews and Jennifer Aniston is awesome!!”

“I know right!! I love ‘Friends’!!” I yelled.

“Truss!!” Hade yelled and we high-fived each other.

“ROXANNE!!” Dad’s voice boomed.

I looked up at the stairs and grinned. “Whassup daddio!! Haven’t seen ya in a while, blad. Where ya been, ma bladrin?!” I said in my awesome gangster voice.

Captured! [Book 2 of The Denied! Series] {NEEDS MAJOR EDITTING!}Where stories live. Discover now