“Learn anything new?” He’d ask as we drove away from the school. “Hey, I rented out a DVD I thought you’d like, do you have much homework? We could watch it tonight if you want.”

“Just maths and geography” I’d reply.

“Just? Maths is important, Fin.”

“It’s hard” I’d whine.

Alex would bite his lip. “That’s what she said.”

I’d roll my eyes. “Stop being so immature.” But I wouldn’t mean it.

“Sorry. I can help you with maths, if you like?”

“I’d prefer if you did it for me, but yeah. that’d be-”


“Finley Harrison!”

I jerked my head up from the desk.

“Despite the use of alliteration, school is not a place to sleep,” My teacher thundered.


“Paying attention is not a choice, it is a necessity,” He snarled, “If you are too dense to understand that excruciatingly simple concept, you must also be to brainless to understand my class, and I will have to send you outside.”


“Listening does not require talking,” He raised an eyebrow. “So keep your ears and eyes open, and your mouth closed!”

I felt more depressed than I ever had in my life, which made me feel even worse because it meant that I missed a man I’d met but twice more than I missed my own parents. That wasn’t true. It couldn’t be.

I sought comfort from my last remaining life line; my brother, Jacob. I usually fled there after school- during, if possible. But, going with the theme of everything else in my life, it seemed that my relationship with Jacob was deteriorating. He never seemed happy to see me anymore, we didn’t converse with the same ease that we used to.


It was a Thursday. The sky was clear, but my mind was troubled. By second period, I’d fled the school. I knew that The Carer would get a call about it later; it would be her third this week about my unexplained absences. I was already grounded. And most likely failing the majority of my classes. I didn’t see the point in going anymore, I didn’t see the point in pretending to care anymore.


I walked to the detention centre, and because of my lack of motivation it took almost an hour. When I got there, it took about twenty minutes for Jacob to come and greet me. He gave me a glance over, and sighed.

“Come outside,” He ordered, and left. I followed him outside. It was weird to think that I used to love sitting out in the garden with him. Now I was practically scared of what he had to say.


After a moment of silence, Jacob began to speak.

“You shouldn’t be here,” He said.

“I know, school-” I began, but he cut me off.

“No,” He countered, “You shouldn’t be here. In Summerfield. You should have gone with Alex.”

Kill Me With Words (All Time Low Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now