Chapter 16

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This is, sadly, the last chapter. Make sure to comment, vote, and share. 

Harry's POV

As we stood backstage waiting for our cue to start the concert, I looked at the boys around me. Zayn and Liam were joking with each other, laughing about something on Twitter, while Louis and Niall were having a quiet chat on the couch. The past month after Niall was re-admitted into the hospital was stressful on all of us. With Niall slowly but surely, finally recovering, and Louis going to a therapist, we were all on edge hoping that nothing else bad would happen. But we managed to get through it. 

Of course though, none of us would ever forget this. We all had reminders of the past few months. Through memories and other physical reminders. Like Louis' scars. Even though he stopped cutting a while back, and was no longer depressed, you could still see faint white lines on his forearm. At first when the cuts became angry, red scars, Louis would only wear long-sleeved shirts and was extremely insecure about the scars. Eventually we were able to get him to wear short-sleeved shirts. 

Even Niall, who has recovered, needs to have an eye kept on him 24/7 to make sure he doesn't catch any sicknesses since he's still weakened from that infection. Even now, a whole month later, Liam, Zayn, and I are still wary about the constant threat of a new sickness grabbing hold of Niall, and the fact that Louis could, at any time, have a relapse and go back to cutting. As I thought this, two loud laughs cut through my train of thought. I shook my head, ridding my mind of anything that was there and looked over to see Niall and Louis cracking up at something on Niall's phone.

Niall's POV

As me and Louis were laughing at a post on Twitter, I felt someone's gaze on me and Louis. When I looked up I noticed Harry staring at me and Louis with an unreadable expression. I chuckled and nudged Louis, getting his attention.

"Hmm?" He hummed. I motioned to Harry, and Louis suddenly snickered. "Take a picture Harry, it'll last longer." Harry snapped out of his staring with a blush. 

"Sorry, I was thinking." He mumbled sheepishly.

"What about?" Louis inquired.

"Not much." Harry replied.

"Yeah, and my name is pronounced Lewis." Louis stated sarcastically.

"I was just thinking about the past few months and how One Direction is finally starting to go back to normal now." Harry said wistfully. 

"Awww," All of us cooed, getting an eye roll from him with a smile.




(Still Niall's POV)

An hour later we were all stationed on stage with microphones in our hands and adrenaline in our veins. Right now the song we're singing is Through The Dark. Staring out at the crowd, and listening to their screaming, I let the lyrics to the song flood my brain as we started singing. 

You tell me that you're sad and lost your way

You tell me that your tears are here to stay

But I know you're only hiding

And I just wanna see you

You tell me that you're hurt and you're in pain

And I can see your head is held in shame,

But I just wanna see you smile again

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