Chapter 10

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Still Louis' POV

As soon as Niall's eyes opened, I shouted his name and practically launched myself at him, engulfing him in a huge hug. "I am so so sorry for not believing you Niall!" I kept repeating that to him as he sat there not moving in what I believed then as shock. I wish I knew just how wrong I was. 

Instead of giving me a hug back like he normally would, he sat there not moving until suddenly he shoved me off of him. Surprised, I looked up at him from the floor to see him glaring at me. If looks could kill, I'd be six feet under. The others went and slowly hugged him and he hugged them back while still giving me a death glare. I was a little hurt, but I couldn't blame him, I wouldn't forgive myself either. I looked down to avoid his eyes, but I could still feel his gaze on me. I sighed. I guess he wouldn't forgive me anytime soon. I felt my eyes watering, and soon three pairs of eyes joined Niall's on me. 

Why didn't I ever believe him? Yeah, he didn't really like some of the things we did, but he never lied about being sick to get out of it. My thoughts were cut off by Niall's small voice almost timidly calling my name.  

"Louis!" He said. I looked up at him surprised that he wanted to even talk to me. He probably just wants to say that he hates me and never wants to see my face again or that he quits the band because  he doesn't want to be anywhere near me.  I shook my head to clear my thoughts and looked at Niall. He was giving me a look with an eyebrow raised as if to say, 'are you even listening'. I sighed yet again. I'm spacing out a lot nowadays. I need help. 

"What is it Niall?" I croaked. My voice shook as if to prove the point that I was on the verge of crying. 

"Why are you crying?" WHAT??? I'm crying?? I brought a hand up to my face and true to Niall's words, my face was wet with tears. I didn't even notice... Hmm I really do need help. I space out too much.... Much like right now.  I looked at Niall to see nothing but concern on his face. 

"To be honest, I didn't even notice that I was crying until you said anything. But I do know the reason. I thought that you hated me when you pushed me off, which you probably do. I don't blame you if you do. I would hate me too if I were you. I practically almost put you in your deathbed. I mean--" I was rambling until Niall's rambunctious laugh filled the room, interrupting me in my talking. I looked at him confused. When he stopped laughing he looked at me with a smile. 

"I don't hate you, I never did," he then turned serious. "I only shoved you off a little harder than I intended because your hug hurt. A lot." I looked down feeling guilty. "But I'm not that mad at you. I am a little upset that you didn't believe me, but it's not enough to hate you or completely ignore you. And it's definitely not enough for me to want to make you cry. I forgave you while I was in that coma after you apologized the first time."

My head snapped up to him surprised. "You remember that?" I asked, astonished. He replied with a nod of his head. 

"Speaking of the coma, how long was I out?" He asked his eyebrows furrowing. 

"Almost a month," Zayn spoke now.

"Yeah. We had done three interviews and a twitcam. And Harry had fainted and had an anxiety attack for about three days and Louis here wouldn't leave your side. Harry had to practically drag him out of this room. But other than that nothing was really missed." Liam said. I felt my face heat up and I looked at my feet when Niall looked at me with this face that just showed how touched he was that I stayed almost the whole time. 

"Really, Louis?" He choked out. I nodded. 

"Louis," Harry stated. "Why are you still on the floor? Do you love the floor that much? You should kiss it if you do. Otherwise, you might want to get up. Who knows what has been on that floor." He said, trying to somewhat lighten the mood more. I gave a half-smile and got up. 

"Whatever Harry. You're just jealous." I said back. He muttered an agreement and helped me up off the floor. When I stood up, I dusted myself off and looked up at Harry. "Better?" I asked while raising an eyebrow. "Mmm-hmm." He hummed smiling cheekily. I rolled my eyes.  I noticed the others staring at us with looks that just screamed that they were thinking 'larry stylinson' like a fangirl. 


"Yeah Niall?" I asked, cocking my head a bit to the side. He motioned for me to come closer to him, to which I complied. He had a thoughtful look on his face. I wondered what this was about. But I was a bit scared to find out. 

"Did you mean what you said while I was in that coma about not meaning what you said that day I left?" I looked at him confused and replied a quick 'yes'. "Then why did you say what you said  when we got into that fight?" That hit me hard, like an arrow striking me in my heart. I felt guilt eat away at me immediately. I sighed again for the billionth time in the last hour. 

"I don't know why I said that I didn't mean it. It was an 'in the heat of the moment' thing." He nodded though he didn't look convinced. But neither was I. I didn't even know myself, why my mouth decided to blurt that out. "How are you feeling?" I asked to get the topic off of what I had said. 

"I've been better, but I feel fine. I just can't move very easily."

"You're going to feel like that for a while, Niall,"(A/N: Hey that rhymed :P) said a deep voice behind us. We all whipped our heads around to see the doctor standing there. Creepy. "I'm Dr. Smith, Niall, and I'm glad you're finally awake." He said warmly, with a smile. 

"It's good to be awake," Niall replied shaking the doctors hand. "But why can't I move my arms or legs that well?" He asked. 

"The others know the reason, but I need them to go out while a nurse gives you a dose of medicine. While she's doing that, I will tell you anything you want to know." He nodded. The doctor motioned for us to go out of the room. As happy as I was that Niall was awake, I absolutely needed to get out of that room so that I could have some time to myself to think. I was the first one out the door, but I hope it wasn't too obvious.  

Niall's POV

Louis was acting off. When I had shoved him off, and hugged the others, he looked genuinely hurt. When I had asked him about what he had said that day, he looked troubled. And when the doctor had told them to go out he rushed so that he was the first one out. I was worried about him. 

When the doctor was done explaining and answering my questions which consisted of me asking him how long I would be here, which he said would vary depending on how fast my body gifts the sickness, and asking why my body was so slow, and he said that my body's reactions would speed up over time and that it was temporarily slowed because of the infection, the boys came back in. All but Louis. I was confused. 

"Where's Louis?"

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