Chapter 14

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IM ALIVE!!!!! XD :P Here's the next chapter. Btw, there will be a very small amount of colorful words in this chapter, because let's face it, they curse in real life, and anyone would be saying things like this in this situation. Hope you like this chapter.



It had been over an hour and a half and Louis still hadn't come out of the room. I was growing concerned for him. When I opened the door to the room to talk to Louis, I was in for a shock.

Oh no...

Niall's POV

"LOUIS?!" I exclaimed wide-eyed and gaping. I'm sure I looked like a fish. Louis' head snapped up to look at me in shock from the connected bathroom. I looked and there was a trail of blood from the side of the bed all the way to the bathroom where Louis was. "WHAT THE  H*LL ARE YOU DOING?!" I shouted as I hurried over to him.

He flinched, and I felt bad about yelling but what he was doing to himself was horrible. It scared me me more than I can say. There was blood everywhere, and I could see that he had gotten sick. "No Louis. Tell me Louis! Why would you do this to yourself?!" I had tears streaming down my face by now as I demanded an answer. Louis just shook his head.

I soon heard three other pairs of footsteps coming closer, right before I heard a voice shout out, "HOLY SH!T!" I turned around to see the others standing in the doorway with wide eyes. Harry barged through Liam and Zayn and ran toward Louis and engulfed him in a bone-crushing hug.

Louis finally broke down and started sobbing as Harry started rocking him back and forth trying to comfort him while I grabbed Louis' arms and started cleaning up his wrists. Once I cleaned off the blood I counted the cuts on his left arm. 1..2..3. Then saw 1 cut on his right. I felt sick to my stomach.

Louis finally calmed down to the point that his sobs had turned to sniffles. "Louis, why did you do this to yourself?" I asked with my voice cracking on my words. Louis looked up at me with red-rimmed eyes before answering.

"It's all my fault that you had to go through what you did!" Louis exclaimed.

"Louis it was just a coma, it wasn't that bad." I tried but he wasn't having any of it.

"But it was! YOU FREAKING DIED, NIALL! THEY HAD TO REVIVE YOU AT ONE POINT!" I was stunned. I didn't know what to say. Was I really that close to being gone forever?

"But I'm still here Louis, alive, not dead." I spoke quietly. He just shook his head and curled into Harry nuzzling his head into Harry's neck. Soon I heard his breaths even out. "Why didn't you tell me that I had actually died?" I questioned. If I had to be honest, it frightened me to think that I was so, so close to being completely dead.

"I don't know Niall," Liam muttered.

"Do you guys think we should have Louis scheduled for an appointment with a therapist for this?" Zayn asked.

"In my opinion, yes, we should, I mean, I'm not sure I want to risk having Louis doing this again." Liam answered voicing all of our thoughts.

Harry stood up with Louis in his arms, holding him like a parent would a small child. He walked over to the bed and gently lay him down being careful of his newly bandaged wrists. He then proceeded to lay down beside him with his arm around Louis' shoulders. He pulled Louis closer till he was practically laying on top of him.

We then took that as our cue to leave. Liam then returned to that room to clean up the blood that was on the carpet.


Harry's POV

The next morning was Louis' appointment, and I had the job of waking him up. I carefully removed myself from Louis' hold, and crept out of the room to where the others were sitting talking quietly.

"Shouldn't we let him sleep but carry him to the therapist?" I asked. They turned and acknowledged my question with a bunch of 'I don't know's.

"Are you willing to carry him?" Liam asked skeptically.

"Of course!" I said. I turned and headed towards Louis and my room. When I walked in, I almost cooed from the sight in front of me. Louis looked so peaceful and relaxed. I sighed. If only we could have seen through that sooner. I picked him up and carried him out to the car.

Skip car ride-------

When we got there I carried him still inside and we waited for his name to be called. Louis woke up not too long after and looked confused until we explained. He, of course, put up a fight, until we managed to get him to agree. When his name was called, he walked into the room and the door was closed.

Not even 45 minutes later he came out bawling his eyes out. I stood up and wrapped my arms around him. He didn't have to explain anything for me to understand what had him upset. No words were spoken on the ride to our flat. When we got there Louis went and fell asleep on our bed. I went and sat beside him. While I was sitting there, I made a decision. No matter what, I was going to support him until he can get over this.


There ya go guys! New chapter, hope you all liked it. Please comment, vote, and share.

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