Chapter 8

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A/N: This story now has 1k+ reads. Thank you all so much for reading this book!

Harry's POV
Three days after that twitcam, Twitter had, impossibly, gotten about twice as many tweets as it did three days ago.

Ever since we made the twitcam, we've had two interviews, one the day after the first, and they both consisted of the same questions or of questions that were all in the same category. They were all questions about Niall's condition or how Niall got to be so sick.

We didn't mind answering questions about Niall, but we could all agree that getting asked the same questions about how we could've let the sickness get so severe, was really damaging our state of mind, especially Louis'. He seems to be emotionless and unfeeling. He doesn't pay attention to anything, except Niall anymore. He doesn't ever talk either; he only nods or shakes his head in answer from Niall's bedside.

Paul, Simon, and Niall's parents arrived yesterday as well as Greg and all yelled at us for not saying anything to anyone, to which we all kept apologizing. They also have constantly stayed by Niall each taking shifts while the others went to do whatever they had to do.

I was currently sitting in a chair looking at Louis and assessing his current health status. After staring for five minutes, I made a decision and stood up. While I walked over to him, I felt every pair of eyes except for his, land on me. I walked over to him and put my hand on his shoulder, which made him slightly turn his head and look at me from the corner of his eye.

"Louis, can you come with me, you need to take a break from sitting here. Come on, let's go get some food for you and whatever else you may need," He just shook his head, causing me to sigh a bit. "Louis, please. I will drag you out of here if I need to. You need to get away from Niall's bedside for a bit."

"I can't," he whispered.

"Why not?" I asked, slightly surprised, but happy that I actually got a verbal response from him at all, even though it was only two words.

"Because, what if he wakes up and I'm not here? I don't know if he could hear me apologizing a few days ago, so if he wakes up I want to make sure that he knows that I'm more sorry than I've ever been in my whole life; I want to make it up to him. I can't leave now," Louis explained, this time, slightly above a whisper.

This is the most I've heard him say in days. And for some reason I couldn't keep a small smile off my face.

"Harry's right though Louis," Simon now chimed in.

"We realize that you want to be here when he wakes up, but you do need to get away from the room for a bit; get food, fresh air, anything like that. I promise, we'll tell you somehow if he wakes up." Paul commented. Maura, Bobby, and Greg all nodded in agreement.

"Go on Louis, you need it more than any of us, since you've been by Niall the most," Liam told him, earning a murmur of agreement from Zayn.

Louis looked down as though thinking. I gently took his wrist and pulled him up and led him to the door. He only looked back once as we were walking down the hallway.

We went down to the cafeteria and Louis got something to eat, and I forced him to eat at least half, as he only ate two bites at first. Then I took him around the lobby. I noticed a few fans saw us, and they headed over to us.

"Hi," one said to me and Louis. I replied back a 'hi' while Louis gave a small wave. "Is Niall getting better at all?" Her friend asked.

"I think he is. I mean, he hasn't woken up yet, but he doesn't seem to be getting any worse. He was really pale when he first got here, but it seems like some color is returning to his skin. And he seems to be loosing any dark circles he had under his eyes." I told them. That caused huge grins to light up their faces.

"I'm so glad. I hope he wakes up soon," the first girl squealed.

"So do we," I replied.

"How are you doing Louis?" The second fan asked while slightly cocking her head to the side a bit.

"I've been better, but I'm doing alright. Thanks for your concern, love." He spoke just barely loud enough for them to hear. I noticed a small genuine smile make an appearance as he spoke. I looked at the time and noticed that we've been there for about 3 hours.

"It's about time for us to go back, we promise to tell you all when Niall wakes up." I told them and stood up with Louis. We gave them both hugs and said bye to them.

When we got up to the room, I noticed the Greg now occupied the seat where Louis sat before. It seems Louis noticed too.

I grabbed his hand, and brought him over to my chair, and sat down bringing him down with me so that he was sitting in my lap. He leaned into my chest while looking over at Niall for a minute. I had one arm around his waist so that he wouldn't fall back, while the other was around his shoulder. I carded my hand through his hair a few times, since I immediately felt him relaxing. He put his head on my shoulder, and stayed like that for a few seconds, before he put his arms around my neck and turned his head into my neck, while pulling his legs up so that I was practically holding him like I would a small child. Soon, I felt him fully relax and heard his breaths even out, signaling that he fell asleep for the first time in days. It wasn't long before, I too, felt my eyelids get heavy and I closed them, falling asleep almost instantly.

There is chapter 8. Couldn't help but post that picture up there. I hope you liked it. Please comment, vote, and share.

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