The two boys gaped at what they were been told. "And at the 100th floor, it's about one million," I added.

"If we pass the 150th floor, the reward is over ten million."

"Killua, you've already gone to 200th floor, haven't you?" Gon asked. In the back ground, Zushi was stuttering about Killua's achievement. Killua gave him a blank look, "It was about four years ago, and I don't have money anymore. It helped me buy cake for four years," he said and I let out a hopeless sigh. "You and your sweet tooth," I muttered which he stuck his tongue out at me.

"And how much do you earn at the 200th floor?" Gon asked.

"Hmm... To tell the truth, I quit just before the 200th floor, so I don't really know... But at the 190th floor, I received about 200 million jenny," Killua guessed. The boys stopped walking and sweat dropped. The albino turned to face the two boys and I, saying we have to hurry up a bit since we were not injured, too oblivious to notice the two boys gave him the look.

The four of us then went to a room where the rest of the participants were and sat on the bench. As soon as we plopped on the bench, Killua then crossed his legs and smirked. "Ahh! If on this floor, our adversaries are among them, it'll be an easy victory," he said. Gon turned his head and asked if he think so. On the other hand, Zushi gave the albino a sweat dropped and I gave him a hopeless sigh. "As always from a cocky albino," I muttered.

"Maita-san and Chipapa-san, please go to the 55th floor, fighting room B," the announcer announced and with that, the said participants left the room. The four of us talked for a while before Killua's name and Zushi's name was called. The colour on Zushi's face drained and immediately stood up, bowing his head at Killua. "It's an honor for me," he said.

Killua shook his hand. "Eh. It's only a chance of fate. It'll better in the next match," Killua reassured. Gon and I gave them a good luck before they left. As soon as they did, Gon's name was called and after boosting his luck, I was all alone. The television in the room played a match before it changed to my best friend's who was going against a kung-fu student. The fight started, Killua attacking and Zushi defending using his Ten.

The albino was getting annoyed when Zushi did not back down from the fight and stood up, standing in his fighting stance. Using Gyo, the aura around Zushi rose which means he was using Ren. The look on Killua's face was shock and before we knew it, he retreated. Not for a few minutes, someone who we knew yelled which stopped the student to use his Ren. The fight stopped and was about to continue when my name was called.

'Damn. I was about to watch the whole thing,' I cussed and stood up. "Miki-san and Doco-san, please go to the 53th floor, room A," the announcer announced and someone stood up. The two us went out of the room and to the 53th floor. He was noy anything special though. He was around Kurapika's age and lean yet built. Nevertheless, he was weak, I can tell. His aura nodes were not open which is a huge risk if he was on the 200th floor.

We then stood on the ring as the audience cheered for the boy. The audience then started to vote for Doco and some voted for me but not that many. After the voting ended, the fight then began. The first to move was, obviously, the boy who was about to punch me. Dodging the attack, I made a back flip and chopped his neck, like how I did during the previous round.


After a few fights, it was then the 100th floor. The three of us had our own rooms, mine across from Killua's while his was beside Gon's. I went to Gon's room after leaving Emi in my room because she does not want to see us fight the boring ones. She loves to see me fighting strong people but not killing them. It was too gruesome for her with all the blood.

"We don't have to worry about money and accommodation anymore," Gon said as I entered the room and leaned my body against the window. "I'd like to know where the other one is. You know, from the 100th floor if you lose, you have to leave your room. There's a big difference between getting to the 100th floor and staying on it! Because there is a hurdle of the 100th floor. The welcome you receive when you clear the 100th floor is a lot better than before. So, everyone is ready to do everything they can to keep what they won. Obviously, no one wants to lose and a lot of people that are here have become masters of the ability of surviving a long time. If you show even the smallest of weakness to these kind of guys, it'll definitely be quick," Killua explained.

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