4- I'll try my best to make her happy.

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Farah's p.o.v:

I rushed through the library, after nearly throwing away the book that I was reading somewhere I don't even dared to look.

The librarian had a furious look on her face as she tried to stop me but I lightly- or maybe not that lightly pushed her away.

How did I even forget their anniversary? I had it all over my mind since the past couple of days and forgetting it at the last moment was such a shocking thing for me.

I exited the library, taking in a deep breathe, and stopping for a couple of minutes before rushing to the road.

I had to rush to the nearest bakery to get a good looking delicious cake for them.

I had only some dollars in my pocket when I entered the huge shop, that had these pastries and cakes which I could forever look at, because oh god, the looked hella delicious!

Remembering what I came here for, I quickly chose a small chocolate cake of course and bought it, emptying my whole pocket as a small pout formed on my lips. But I had to have a good mood or else I'll ruin their day. I can get money later, it was the least of my worries.

I ran as fast a I could to reach my home, the cold wind harshly making my skin sting but I didn't care, as a smile played on my lips, I stood before the door, but decided not to enter through it.

I moved to the back side and opened the window to my room, quickly getting inside I took in a deep breathe, ready to surprise them.

I turned the knob slowly as I tiptoed towards the living room, they sat on the couches, as my dad had his eyes fixed on the television and my mom, well she was reading a book, like mom like daughter, I loved to read books too as you can see that because I just came back from the library where people dread to go to.

"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to your wedding," I made it up ASAP because I didn't really know how to wish for an anniversary and this was the first thing that came in my mind.

"happy anniversary to you." I literally jumped up and down, wishing them as I saw huge smiles on their faces and their eyes twinkled after watching me like this.

This wasn't how I planned their anniversary to be but this was the best I could do in a short time.

They stood there smiling, as I nearly rolled my eyes, "I'm not going to cut the cake, it's not my anniversary!" I spoke, pushing them towards the table that had the cake kept on it.

"Thank you so much, honey." My mom spoke as she pulled me in for a hug, I smiled feeling relaxed in the hug. I could feel her crying when she spoke as her voice broke a bit.

I looked up to see some tears in her eyes as I wiped them off, "Don't cry mom! It's your day! Dad, please tell mom not to cry." I spoke with a childish look in my eyes as he just laughed.

Both of them held the knife as I took out my mobile and captured that beautiful moment, the light on their faces made me feel so good. I tried to be the best daughter I could as they themselves were the best parents one could ever get.




Sometimes I wonder what did I do wrong to loose such important part of my life.

I believe that whatever happens, happens for a reason that's good for us, but I've never seen any good for the last 15 years.

I sighed as a tear escaped from my eye, remembering their last anniversary.

I wish I had planned something big, I wish I had hugged my mom a little more longer, and joked with dad a little more than usual.

I missed it, I missed them.

I broke down in tears as I wasn't able to control it anymore but then again, I didn't want anyone see me cry so I quickly wiped away my tears and drank a bottle of water, trying my best the calm myself down.

I was sitting on the same bench, Hussain used to sit on but it was nearly noon so I didn't have to worry about him being here at this time.

I still wasn't able to get him out of my mind, I hated my brain, It liked to play games with me.

One moment I'm thinking about my parents and the other, Hussain.

And all my life, the thoughts forever run in my mind, the memories spent with my parents, and how my life used to be 15 years ago, my brain use to laugh at me, at how weak I am in front of others but how strong I make myself look.

Sometimes I want to give up and these marks on my hand, indicate that I did give up but I wanted to see how this world really is myself.

I got up quietly as my gaze moved over the bridge to see, Hussain?

Why is he here at this time? Was he watching me? Oh God he shouldn't see me cry, I hope he didn't.

I quickly walked away from him and made my way to my home, hiding those tears behind a big bright smile I walked over.

I saw many people who waved at me and greeted me, I greeted them back but It was really hard to keep that smile on my face and I quickly rushed inside my home before anyone could ever stop me again.

I took a sigh of relief and walked over to the bathroom, I splashed some water over my face as I stared at the girl in front of me, who looked weak right now.

Hussain's p.o.v:

I saw her sitting on the bench and decided not to disturb her, I looked at her every move as I saw a tear fall from her eyes, and then another.

She was crying, It was really unusual to see Farah Ahmad cry because, well she never cried, maybe never in front of anyone.

I wanted to walk over to her and console her, I knew it must be about something serious because she was never that cry-over-a-boyfriend type of person.

I took some hesitant steps to assure her and tell her i'm right here for her but she quickly got up, her gaze met mine fore a second as her eyes widened with shock or maybe fear as she quickly walked away.

Yes, she never cried in front of anyone and I saw her, I saw her in weak her state which she hides from everyone.

I don't know if it was a mistake or not, but I'll try my best to make her happy once, but how?

Can't leave it broken. //AU.//Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora