Twenty- Nine- Distractions

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"What's up with those two?" Asked Chez to Chaleen looking at both Punk and Ruby seemed to be very very distracted they hadn't even noticed they were next to each other,

"I don't know, but I'm going to find out" Chaleen looked around and grabbed Colt who was passing by, "what did you say to him?"

"What?" Colt asked surprised, she turned him to look at Ruby and Punk, "oh shit"

"What did you say?" Chaleen asked again

"Nothing...I just...wait what's wrong with Ruby?"

"We don't know, we think its something Nat told her" Chez answered as they continued to watch the couple,

"Now what did you tell Phil?" Chaleen asked sternly

"Nothing, I just pointed out, how uh...well how she looks like..." He muttered the last past

"Speak up Scott" demanded Chaleen and he knew she meant business by the fact that she had used his actual name,


"I thought we had all agreed to never bring her up! You know how sensitive Phil is about her! WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT?!" Colt was surprised by the fact that it wasn't Chaleen yelling at him but Chez

"It slipped out I-I-I didn't think that it would affect him that way" Colt stuttered

"Scott Coltman you're an idiot a complete and total idiot." Chez rolled her eyes,





"Ruby, Ruby, Ruby, why are you always on my mind?" He muttered to himself as he cleaned his wounds he looked down at her picture on his phone. He had lied, he hadn't really had a picture of her in lingere, he jus said it to piss off PJ, but he found his obsession with her growing. There was not a moment in the day that she wasn't running through his mind, he felt something soft get thrown at his head

"Will you stop muttering to yourself?" Groaned a sleepy Dean from his bed, but he had to admit he found himself thinking about her too, the way the skin on his cheek had tingled where her lips had been, he touched his cheek again smirking, maybe when she joined him he could make his move. "Stop looking for pictures of Ruby to get off to" he teased

"Shut up! You're one to talk" Seth rolled his eyes, as he lay in bed, the phone screen lighting his face in the otherwise dark room as he went through more pictures of her he had gotten of her off of google, "jackpot" he whispered, as he found one of her in a bikini at the beach,

"What? What is it?" Asked Dean sitting up,

"Nothing" muttered Seth hiding the phone,

"I wanna see let me see!" Dean jumped on him and tried to grab the phone

"Get off of me you rapist!" Seth tried to push him off

"Let me see the damn picture!" Dean growled clawing for the phone, they wrestled for a moment

"What the hell are you guys doing?" Growled Roman from the doorway as he switched the light on "whoaa"

"It's not what it looks like!" They both yelled at the same time,

Right," Roman smiled maliciously, he snatched the phone from them, looking at the picture of the screen "she may be a smart mouth bitch, but damn." He muttered "I'll be keeping this, keep it down lover boys" he turned the light off before leaving. Roman states at the picture, "you're as beautiful as you are dangerous, you're already causing a lot of problems Ruby Redfox, you're very distracting, you could break this strong group...maybe it's best to get rid of you..." He mused before the screen went black,

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