Twenty-One- Choices

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I'm baccccck





He awoke with iridescent orange light spilling in to the room from the sun rising. Ruby was sleeping soundly beside him on her stomach her head on his chest, her arms wrapped around him loosely. He couldn't help but smile down at her, he hadn't felt like this in a while, and the fact that she was still around the morning after made him feel amazing. She was such a quiet sleeper, if he didn't see her body rising and falling as she slept he could've assumed she was dead. He stroked her long red hair which was covering most of her smooth bare back, he took the opportunity to take a closer look at her tattoos, on her shoulder was a bouquet of red roses, then below it a band of gemstones, he realized that each one was a member of her family, then an array of stars and planets, on her inner forearm an anatomically correct heart with the words "Missing But Mended Some Hearts Never Break" winding around it as an outline. Then a sunset tattoo right beside it, with the words "Never Fearful &Always Hopeful, I'll See You When The Sunsets" then Aztec print and below it the words in script on her inner wrist "Live in Love" he wandered back up to behind her ear to see how the birds had healed when she jerked awake.

"What're you doing?" She asked sleepily, he smiled.

"Just some exploring", she yawned

"I think you did enough of that last night" she laughed resting her head on his stomach looking at the ceiling.

"I could never get enough of you" he told her, softly pulling away the hair that was in her mouth.

"Mmm that's what you think now" she sighed dreamily "I hear everything goes downhill after marriage."

"Not for us it won't" he assured her

"Welllll if you say" she smiled coyly

"Of course I say so" he smirked, she rolled over to face him,

"Today's Wrestlemania" she gasped "we're supposed be at Axxess"

"They won't miss us" he shrugged but she was already pulling on her clothes

"I'm taking this!" She announced grabbing his button up shirt

"What?" He sat up confused, she put it on and pulled her arms out of the sleeves and twisted them into a bow making a dress. She put on her shoes and started to bound away, he shot up. "No kiss goodbye?" He smirked, she blushed and gave him a quick peck before turning and leaving. He watched dreamily from the doorway as she left, "Gosh I love that woman"

"Nice real nice Phil" he turned to see Amy standing there looking pissed with her arms crossed,

"What?" He asked, she rolled her eyes annoyed as she pushed her way into the room.

"Put some damn clothes on!" She threw his boxers at him, he shrugged

"As if you haven't see me naked PLENTY of times" but nonetheless he pulled on his boxers.

"You took her back didn't you?"

"That's none of your business but yeah we're back together" he rolled his eyes, he should've known letting Amy be his date would've made her get her hopes up.

"I can't believe you took her back! Especially after she kissed Nick like that!"

"For starters I didn't take her back, she took me back AND secondly she's my fiancée now and soon to be wife so unless you want to stop being friends in its entirety I'd appreciate it if you watched how you talk about my future wife" Amy looked at him shocked as if he had hit her.

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