Fourteen- Momentary Amnesia

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"What did she just say to you?!" Asked Punk his eyes narrowing at PJ as he followed behind him, they were in a hospital hallway trying to find the room that Ruby was placed in, after PJ had managed to get her to the paramedics.

"Nothing" PJ shrugged still not believing that Ruby had told him she loved him, he felt himself hitting a wall as Punk shoved him.

"Look here Africa, that's my girlfriend in there, and I have the right to know what she said before going unconscious" Punk had PJ by the front of the shirt.

"You wanna know? You really want to know? I'm sure you don't want to know" PJ glared pushing Punk off,

"Tell me. NOW" demanded Punk, PJ looked up at him, his eyes watery but defiant

"She looked at me and said I love you" Punk felt his heart sink into the pit of his stomach.

"You're a goddamn liar" he hissed not wanting to believe it.

"I told you, you wouldn't want to know. Now if you don't mind I have to go see if the girl I'm in love with and just proposed to, is conscious yet." He sniffled before leaving Punk there his heart in the ground as he tried to process what he had just been told.




Thirteen. Thirteen small, neat, stitches was the treatment Ruby received after having to have the glass surgically removed,it had been literally centimeters from cutting into vital muscle tissue. Being medically cleared before Wrestlemania seemed like a long shot, but she wasn't about to let that stop her. She would be in that match even if she had to have had that arm amputated. She had woken up in an eerie white room,the only color in the room being her hair. She heard a sigh of relief as she turned her head to spot PJ, sitting in a hospital chair. His eyes red and puffy as if he had been crying.

"You're awake!" He had smiled throwing his arms around her careful not to touch her wrapped up arm.

She looked at him as he pulled away, reaching out and wiping a tear that had trailed down his cheek out of his beautiful brown eyes.

"Why are you crying?" She asked her voice rasping, she cleared her throat

"I thought...for a moment...that I had lost you" he sniffled, nuzzling her hand against his face.

"What happened?" She asked, looking around for her boyfriend

"I was hoping you could tell me" he shrugged, she thought for a moment.

"I remember you proposing..."his cheeks blushed "and then Punk came out...and pretty much kidnapped me...and he locked me in a car and I was super I was trying to get out, but for some reason the doors wouldn't unlock for the inside... and so I broke the window with a crowbar and climbed out..." She remembered all at once, The breaking of the window, the Shield, Roman shoving her into the car causing her to smack her was and fall into the pile of broken glass, she reached up slowly and felt immediate pain where her head had hit the car. She tried not to wince.

"This is all my fault" they both turned to see a distressed looking Punk in the door way, his head bent in shame. She couldn't tell them about the Shield, as much as she didn't want to admit it, she was scared for them.

"I...must've slipped...I should've waited" she avoided eye contact with both of them, she heard the screeching of the chair as PJ sprang to his feet.

"Get out of here Punk! This IS your fault! She could've died, do you see what your jealousy could've caused?!" PJ was furious as he shoved Punk,

"I don't know if you forgot this but she's NOT your girlfriend anymore. She made her choice, I think its about time you get that through that thick skull of yours!" Punk pushed back "I might have to break your skull!"

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