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Guys I'm kinda upset, I've been reading some stories on here, that are newer than mine and a few, not to point fingers or anything, are eerily similar to mine or have a lot of the same things going on, even very similar dialogue. Now I'm not saying people are ripping me off but I do feel kinda ripped off in a way, it's upsetting just because I work really hard coming up with these ideas and then for people to take my ideas and change it slightly and call it their own is upsetting! But maybe I'm just over reacting but uh yeah!

Anyway please go read My Savior the prequel to this series! It's pretty important considering I will not update this one until I finish that one! It's nearing the end and I'd love feedback! Can't wait to put out more for you guys, although what I've noticed has been discouraging and disheartening I don't think I could ever stop writing because I love it so much!



PS oh yeah follow me on twitter and talk to me! :) @monicaYOLO

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