Five- Panic

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Punk sat waiting on Ruby's bed. He wasn't going to let things end this way. He cared about her to much, he couldn't imagine his life without her anymore. He knew he couldn't go and bother her with Justin right now, if he did it would only make things worse, so he decided to wait her out. He just hoped she wouldn't do anything crazy in her fit of anger. He heard voices in the hallway, jumped up pressing his eye to the peephole, it was Ruby and Justin. They seemed to be having a pleasant conversation, he couldn't quite hear, he saw them hug goodbye, she gave him a kiss on the cheek causing him to break out in a giant smile. Punk felt his heart stop. She opened the door, he stood there frozen like a kid with his hand in the cookie jar.

"I thought I told you to leave" she glared, her smile from being with Justin long gone.

"Ruby please let me explain" he managed to say

"No get out! Don't think I can't kick your ass just because I only have one arm!" She growled, she smirked "someone taught me to use my legs today" she drew her leg back, he could already tell the intensity of force the kick would have.

"Wait! It was a joke! A stupid sick twisted joke!" He winced immediately covering his groin in anticipation of the kick, but it didn't come, instead he looked up to see her, her beautiful face twisted in confusion.

"What?!" She asked, placing her foot on the ground.

"We didn't do anything I swear, yes I undressed you but I did it with my eyes clothes very carefully! I didn't touch you inappropriately I only slept next to you! It was a stupid move and I'm sorry!" He explained quickly before she could cut him off. She looked at him like he was the stupidest person in the world.


"It's not I'm an idiot!" He groaned

"How could you?" She started pacing "how could you?!" she shouted muttering under her breath "And I thought it had happened again...."

"Again?" he asked confused he had barely heard the last part, she kicked him in the shin causing him to fall in pain.

"You're such an idiot! I was seconds away from castrating you!" She groaned sitting down, he crawled over to her laying his head in her lap.

"I'm sorry" he pouted. "Please tell me you didn't take him back" she looked away. "Rue..." He started trying not to sound worried

"Those are some nice curtains, I should get some for my apartment" she tried to change the subject, less graceful than usual

"Rue," he warned hoping he was just trying to get him back for his horrible prank.

"Oh look it's late I should go to bed" she checked her naked wrist as If there were a watch on it.

"Ruby!" He groaned "if you did you better get used to having 2 boyfriends because I'm not letting you break up with me" she raised an eye brow at him

"You're not letting me?" She asked "since when do I need you to LET me do anything?"

"Since..." He checked his pretend watch "now" she narrowed her eyes at him.

"After what you pulled you have absolutely no say" she glared.

"Ruby Zorraya Rojo, You're not getting rid of me this easily. I didn't get you easily and I'm definitely not letting go of you easily" he challenged, a ghost of a smile seemed to appear momentarily before being masked by a glare. "Now." He cleared his throat looking up at her from her lap. "Baby" the corners of her mouth twitched slightly "what do you want to do since we have the rest of the week off?"

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