Twenty-Two- Monument

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Here we gooooo:) please comment and vote and make sure to check out My Savior and Dare to Love! Yeah I know I sound like a broken record but I will keep bugging until you do it >:o enjoy!:) 

"I hurt my knee" Punk muttered to Mark after jumping on top of him on the announce table, 

"What?" He whispered back furiously,  

"I can't get a push after this" he writhed to him "I'm gonna have to throw the match" 

"Alright your call Phil" Mark replied as he threw him back in the ring, they bouted for a few more minutes before Mark was pinning him, he limped backstage and only then did it hit him that Ruby hasn't had her match yet, he limped wincing to her dressing room which of course had to be on the other end of the venue. When he finally got there he found everything broken or on the floor as if it had been thrown across the room. It was completely trashed,  

"Rue?" He called panicking hobbling around looking for her, he heard a low noise, and saw Lionheart cowering in a corner. "Lionheart where's mommy?" He asked softly reaching a hand out to him. He cowered covering his eyes as if he had seen something horrifying, Punk scooped him up as the cat shook with fear, this was starting to scare him. Ruby would never leave Lionheart unattended, he walked around hearing the broken stuff crunch under his boots, until he spotted familiar red underneath the vanity, Ruby was curled up her face in her knees as her body shook uncontrollably. He crouched down as he reached out to touch her shoulder, she jumped at his touch. "Rue" he called softly, she looked up, she had black make up running down her face, her eyes bloodshot and her lipstick smeared as her body shook, she was crying so hard she was no longer even making a sound. She sniffled before burying her head in her knees again. "Rue are you hurt? Are you ok? What happened?!" He exploded softly into questions, 

"Isn't it obvious?" She answered bitterly her voice so low he had to lean in to hear her "They scrapped my match. I'm not wrestling tonight" he fell back in surprise. 

"But Vince-he-I don't understand" he stuttered 

"There wasn't enough time! They cut other matches too! I would've been ok with just a dark match like Mike and Stu but no they cut it completely! They ripped my dream away from me! This is worse than losing! I didn't even get a chance" she yelled getting up and breaking more things before collapsing again and curling into a ball. He crawled over to her and wrapped his arms around her,  

"Rue I'm so sorry" he whispered to her trying to sooth her  

"This is the worst thing that could've ever happened to me" she whimpered, not feeling like she had any more tears left in her. It was moments like this were she thought going the Shield was a good idea. She clutched Lionheart to her soothing him and he purred, "but if the McMahons think this is staying like this they're dead wrong, I'll show them how Ruthless I can really be" she growled, Punk was surprised at her tone. "How did your match go?" 

"I had to throw it, I busted my knee, I think I'm gonna be out for weeks if not months" he sighed.  

"That sucks I'm sorry" she hugged him, 

"I can't believe you trashed this room" he looked around, pretty much everything was broken, he spotted blood on wall, he checked her hands and could see dried blood through the lace. "Shit Rue, you need to get this checked out" he moved her hand to see if it was broken, she didn't say anything  

"I just want to go home" she muttered, getting up and grabbing the cat. He followed after her, she spent the rest of the night in silence in her bed, not even bothering to change out of her ring gear, since she didn't tell him to leave he stayed, eventually falling asleep beside her as she stared off into space. He figured it was best not to talk about it. When he woke up the next morning she was still in the same position, 

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