unrequited love is the worse kind of love

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As I entered maths i head towards corner window seat and look out imagining i look like all the other girls. I wonder what's it's like to be normal? Nah that's too pretentious, I'm actually thinking about what I have for lunch. As Miss. yolk drones on about whatever, i stare at my crush. Is it weird to like someone who is friends with my bullies and knows they bully me yet does nothing about it. He's never been mean to me but never stuck up for me? He catches my eye and i smile at him however he blanks me and turns to another girl. It hurts... A lot. Unrequited love is the worst type of love.

At the end of maths. I go towards the courtyard more like run as the earlier I get there the less people will see and whisper about me. There's a few people, more so than usual. It's too hot to hide in the toilet therefore i head towards a bench.

The plants around there are dry and nearly dead if not dead already. I feel sorry for the plants since the weed is sucking the life out of the plants. Reminds me a lot of my life. I reach out to a wiltering flower and touch it. It begins to blossom and all the plants around it seem to grow and come back to life. My hands become a vibrant shade of green covered with the most beautiful and exotic of flowers.I withdraw my hand in fear and hastily leave that place. That's not possible.

Maybe i imagined the plants dying. It's probably a trick of the light. I could've imagined it. Yes, that's right it's just my imagination acting up. I leave the courtyard and head towards the shed. Nobody will run into me there because outs overgrown with grass.

Settling down behind the shed, I bring out my sandwich. It's ham and cheese.

I stare at the sky and imagine i can surf the winds, fly away from my troubles. All if a sudden an anger unlike me surges up. Why? Why am i being punished, God? What have i done to deserve this? I squeeze the grass by my hands hard wishing that everything was as bad as my life.

Looking down at my hands i see the plants around it dead. No, infact the plants on the field is dead. This is because the back of the shed happens to be in the back of the football field. Too afraid to move i look at the other side of the shed and see that the grass is dead. Other people realize this and run to call some teachers. I make my way to the disabled toilet since it's the only safe place a freak like me could be. Imagine a lush green field if grass suddenly dead, a useless corpse of hay coloured rubbish in mere minutes, seconds.


From what i could gather everything was dying and it was spreading to the woods. I feel a stab of fear as i escape to the forest trying to put an end to my mistake. As i head over i send a silent prayer hoping that the forest are safe. By the time i get there the wood is dying. In shock i fall to the ground. There is a murmuring crowd gathering.

"What... How did this happen?"

"Is this a disease? A mutation?"
I feel the wind against my heated skin? It carries a message "mother please save us we're in so much pain?"

"What have i done?" I say out loud. Nobody hears as usual.

I pray that i can go back in time, hoping that i can control my mouth. Obviously i didn't go back in time.

I aproched a trunk and said "you are well, you are not dying." It was mostly to comfort myself but i could sense an immediate change in the environment. It was subtle but noticeable. Nobody seemed to feel it among this pandemonium. The wind quited down. The first became very silent until i hear the sighing of tress like they have been put out of their misery.

I stay by the trunk and wait for us to be ushered in by the teachers, while hearing the start of a rumour.

I pant as I head back into school. I feel obscenely drain and I as step into the classroom I pass out of exhaustion. I don't remember much but being carried in an ambulance.

A few hours later I wake up with a throbbing head and sore eyes. My mama is around me and bares the look of a worried woman.

"Are you alright? Do you want something to eat? To drink?"

I smile and reply yes. Who am I to turn down food?

After my hearty meal the doctor comes in to do some check ups.

"Let's get to it. You passes out from exhaustion and I would like to know how that happened" she gentle probes me with a smile.

"The was an incident in school and I must have pushed myself too much. I don't know Dr..."

"Quinn"  she adds on.

Colour drains from my face as I realize this is Harlee's mama named after thee infamous joker sidekick. Ironic i know. Harlee the flipping queen in school. I sure you can predict what she looks like, blonde hair, blue eyes, tan typically your all American girl.

"What's the matter? The colour just disappeared from your face."

"It's nothing. Do you happen to be Harlee's mom?"

"Yes and from your face I can guess your not friends. Don't take anything she says to hearts she's just scared of being hurt. Okay?"


"Well from the test you show severe case of dehydration. Are you sure that it's not something else because no simple run could've caused it let alone the walk you took to class."

"Nah that's all the physical I have done today."

"Okay, I'll discharge you Gaia and of you feel anything that's wrong call me on this number."

"Okay and...thank you" I say as she smiles leaving.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 05, 2017 ⏰

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