I should've known, sleep deprivation causes hallucinations

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I look up at the twilight sky. The stars glisten against the back drop. I am wearing a dress with a soft material. It looks like moss covering a tree with vines and midnight blooms but in dress form. Around me were 7 others who were dressed in similar attire but with different elements. At the very top was a combination of all of us.

Lately, I've been feeling depressed. Well, that's no surprise, I have been getting bullied a lot. Even more so now than a month ago. I thought I was starting to fit in but I guess it was never meant to be.

My hate for school is due to the students but I love to read and write. I did okay in school but awful at anything else. My parents didn't know this, they thought I was doing well. I get picked on for my oddly colored hair and unfortunate height. My skin was milky white with freckles the color if bark.

They call me the green giant. Plenty of times I have tried to dye my hair behind my parents knowing but it never worked. The dye just slipped through.

The nerds refused to talk to me, thinking me hanging out with them will get them more picked on. The emo's didn't mind me but always ignored me and the populars, well they are the one's who do the picking on so I guess hanging out with them is a big no-no especially if I want to save myself a bit of embarrassment.

There was one stage where I thought I was popular because popular people used to call my hair beautiful, thinking it was dyed. But one day they tried to dye it a different color and it refused to change color. They tried to bleach it but that didn't work. They even shaved it, yes I let them shave it thinking I would be popular, but it grew back the next day even longer than it was originally.

Since that day they deemed me the freak of nature and since then people went out of their way to avoid me. When it came to team work, I did all the work and slapped my partners name on it but if I was paired with a nerd they did all the work and slapped my name on it.

Naturally, my favorite hang out spot was the disabled toilet, where I would play subway surfers and candy crush as well as eat my lunch.

As I finish my breakfast, I pick up my school bag and leave my parents cottage which is located on the outskirts of the forest. Everyday I go through the woods to get to school. It takes me half an hour but it is worth it as I get to enjoy the beauty and smell of it.

Despite the air pollution I can still smell the woods clearly. There is a stream that I normally hear before I see. Its water is murky brown but I can see it as it was before the pollution. The tree leaves were a vibrant green but now they are dull and faded. The wind blew and I could hear whispers.

"Is she beautiful?'

"Indeed she is"

"You are beautiful, mother. We love you even if..."

I clean my ears thinking I was hallucinating. I listen for it again but all I hear is the rustling of leaves. I should've known, Sleep deprivation causes hallucinations.
'I need to get to bed earlier.' I think.
As I leave the end of the woods I put my hoody up so that I am more protected from the July warmth also so I won't draw attention to myself. The heat is scalding but I would face that than the bullies of county keys wood high.

As I approach the fence I see the populars huddled together smoking...probably. They barely notice me as I slide through the decayed fence and head to homeroom before I am late.

The corner seat is my seat so I go there hoping I won't draw too much attention. I take my coat and hoody off and replace it with a beeny. Meanwhile I wait for homeroom to start praying my life would get better. Soon enough Mr. McCallum came I'm with his usual grumpy face. He greets us with a frown and takes the register. My name being Gaia Wood is at the bottom of the register so I am last to leave homeroom.

I exit the homeroom and go towards double maths which, in all honesty, Isn't that bad since I never get picked on. It's the the only class where the teacher is fair.

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