Saving Him

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~~Noah POV~~

I jolt open my eyes and I see Lily sitting on the ground with tears streaming down her face. Leon is comforting her while Abigail is silently fuming and Adrian is trying to calm her down. Jay and Jayli are yelling at each other with Nicky and Mickey are talking. I sit up catching Lily's attention. She runs over to me and engulfs me in a hug. My body is aching all over, but I know I have to save Hunter so I will.

"Why does everyone look so depressed? I was only in there for an hour or two." I say making Lily's face drop.

"Didn't she tell you time flows differently there! It doesn't flow at all! So while it felt like two hours you were really in there for 28 hours!" Abigail yells at me with an 'are you stupid?' expression.

"Wait that only leaves me 8 hours! I have to g-" I start to say only to be silenced by an aching pain in my chest and head.

"It happening! I can't wait to see what Ashy looks like now!" Jayli squeals happily.

Why is she happy, I'm in fucking pain! Lily and Jayli stared at me excitedly while the rest of them stared at me unfazed. They could at least help me! Some friends they are! My pain starts fading and Lily moves back. A black smoke surrounds me and once again my body is filled with an agonizing pain. It's soon vanishes though and it's replaced with a feel of power. The smoke clears and Lily and Jayli stare at me amazed.

"Hunter is just gonna eat you up boy!" Jayli says in a ghetto voice.

"Damn right, and shit he looks better than the last time I saw him, stronger." Abigail chimes in.

I'm dumbfounded by what they're talking about until I remember that Lily told me after the whole control thing that I will be in demon form 24/7. I crawl over to a puddle and see that my appearance has changed by a tenfold. My once brown hair is now midnight black and in a quiff while my once mix match eyes are now crystal blue. I have a much defined 8 pack and my arms, instead of being scrawny, now have muscle. I have on black jeans and a black jacket with no shirt. I have a black and red rose tattoo on my abdomen, a black sleeve of tattoos on my left arm, and a black tattoo above and under my right eye. I stand up and see that I'm now 6'6 to 6'8 feet tall. I turn to look at my friends who are still staring at me. I turn back to the water to see the tattoo above and under my eye gone.

" you like it? Wait why am I asking that, is doesn't matter if you like it or not because you're stuck like that." Mickey says laughing.

"Holy hell!" I yell causing everyone to look at me with concern. "I LOOK LIKE A SEX GOD!"

Everyone busts out laughing while I stare at my reflection with amazement. I wonder what Hunter will think? Wait, Hunter! I run over to Abigail and start frantically shaking her while she stares at me like I've grown a second head.

"I have to go back to Nirvanna! Hunter is still dying!" I yell while she looks at me dumbfounded.

"Right! Let's go!" Lily says happier since she knows I'm going to make it back.

We run to Adrian and Abigail's house. I make it there in under a minute with Abigail trailing behind me. She unlocks her front door and I run into the house. Abigail and I flash step into the room that Hunter's in and he's almost paler than a ghost. I slowly walk over to him grab his hand. I try not to get to sad because I know he's going to wake up soon. Adrian and the other's get here soon almost looking out of breath. The forest we were previously in is a good three miles away from here and I kind of forgot about my new enhancements. Jayli and Jay start silently bickering while Nicky sits in a chair and Mickey sits in his lap. I personally think there dating...or something like that. Adrian and Lily put their hands over Hunter; Lily's hands shining a blue light on him while Adrian shines a pink one.

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