M.X to N.Y

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Hey guys so this is the eleventh chapter yay! If you get confused or anything don't be afraid to message me just make sure you address the text message to me so my sister won't answer. Oh by the way this chapter get a bit emotional in the end so have a box of tissues by you when you read. Each side has 11 new character's, keep that in mind. Thank you and I hope you like my book!


~~Hunter POV~~


"I'm so fancy, you already know! I'm in the fast lane, from L.A to Tokyo!" Lily sang the Iggy Azalea song at the top of her lungs.

"We're not in goddamn Tokyo we're going to New York!" Mickey screamed back at Lily.

I sighed as I started to gather my things. The plane landed and I slung my backpack over my shoulder and held my hand out to Noah which he gladly accepted.

We walked off the plane and the driver took us to a hotel. Since it was so early in the morning we all decided to split up and go enjoy the town we were in.

Everybody had already left the room going into town leaving Noah and I in the room. I had gotten up to take a shower and then a very, very good thought came to mind. I walked over to Noah who was currently laying down on the bed. I crawled over him and sat on his torso. He set his hands on my waist and quickly pecked me on the lips.

"Hey babe, so I got this idea of going to the hotel's hot tub...do you wanna come with me?" I asked. He chuckled.

"Of course I do." He said and pecked me on the lips again.

He picked me up off his waist and sat me beside him on the bed. He grabbed some swimming trunks and went into the restroom to change and I suddenly wished that he would of stayed out here.

"Ready?" He asked me standing in the door way to the bedroom with a towel around his neck.

"Yep." I said and walked over to him.

We walked down to the hotel hot tub and he put our towels and stuff on a chair. He got in right after me and he splashed water on me and laughed. It burned when it got in my eyes but I got this bitch, I mean I am made of fire after all. I let heat radiate off of me and the water started to heat up.

"Shit!" He screamed and jumped out of the water.

"I....win." I said in between laughter.

He got back in and walked over to my side; since the water was shallow. He put his hands on either side of my head and slowly started to lean in while looking straight into my eyes. Once our lips touched I wrapped my arms around his neck.

As soon as the kiss started to deepen we heard a loud explosion.

We jumped apart and looked around to see smoke coming from west of us. We both jump out and quickly dried off. He muttered on words under his breath and his clothes changed to jeans with a red V-neck shirt and red converse. He said something else and jeans with a white shirt and white Jordan's appeared in his hand and he handed them to me. I quickly put the outfit on and we ran towards the source of the smoke which was only three or four blocks away.

~~Noah POV~~

Once we made it to the source of the smoke I felt taken back by a wave of power hitting me. I guess Hunter felt it to because when I looked over to him he looked shocked. I looked back at the scene and noticed a house was on fire.

There was a girl standing on top of the burning building with a boy standing on the ground on his phone next to her. Something in me snapped and I felt like I knew these people, yet I had never seen their faces before.

"Come on Jayli lets go." The boy said groaning.

"Shut the hell up Jay and stop actin' like a lil hoe before I blow you up too!" She screamed as a ball of electricity appeared in her hand and her eyes glowed electric blue.

"What the hell!" Hunter yelled.

They looked over and their faces paled at the sight of us. Jay lowered his head for some reason and Jayli jumped from the burning building and bowed in respect.

"N-Noah, h-how are you?" Jay said stuttering which surprised me; he sound scared.



Hey guys so that was the eleventh chapter, M.X to N.Y, sorry if it sucked. I tried so anyway what did you think?

Was it good?

Did I make any mistakes?

Remember there will be 11 new characters on each side and you just got introduced to 2 more of them so now you know eight out of eleven for the good side.

Remember to vote/comment/share/read and whatever else. Thank you and I hope you like my book!

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