Day 1: Noah & Jayli

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~~Hunter POV~~

"Good morning sexy." Noah says in a deep from sleep voice.

His morning voice is so sexy oh my god!!!!!

I turn over and peck him on the lips. Last night had been fun and definitely pleasurable but now I think I want to fully complete the bond. I was kind of scared at first since ya' know, it goes in you but now I'm to it.

I sit up and stretch. Today were supposed to be training or getting ready to fight but not to sound like a kid or anything.........I don't wanna.

"Are you hungry?" Noah asks getting out of bed.

He was still naked and the sight of his dick made me almost get hard again, his hair was very messy and he smelled like sex.

"Yeah but can we take a bath first?" I asked looking him up and down while smirking.

"Sure." He says smiling.

He grabs boxers and sweats and walks into the restroom to run the bath water. After some time I hear the water from the bath stop running and I get up and go into the bathroom to see Noah already in the huge tub.

I got slightly hard but I ignored it and slipped into the water with Noah. He smiled at me and since I sat in front of him my legs were on either side of him. He leaned in and kissed me softly. I put my hands on his neck bringing his face closer and he put his hands on my waist.

His hands traveled down to my ass and he pulled me onto his lap. I moaned into the kiss when I felt his hard-on press against my stomach and his tongue slide into my mouth.

As soon as we started getting more into it a knock at the bathroom door was heard.

"Hunter and Noah, get you're horny asses down stairs pronto!" Lily yelled from the other side sounding frustrated.

We sighed and got out of the bath and dried each other down. He out on the boxers and slid on his sweats. We walked out and since I didn't bring clothes in with me I walked into our room naked while he had on clothes. When I got my boxers I bent over in front of him and I heard him groan and say 'tease' under his breath.

Once we finished dressing he had on maroon sweats and a red sweatshirt on while I had on black sweats and no shirt on. We walked down stairs holding hands while everybody else was already down stairs eating breakfast.

"I will really blow you up if you don't shut the hell up right now." Jayli said to Leon rubbing her temples.

"Aye papi how old are you?" Mickey asked Jay making him blush.

"Leave the boy alone, he's a minor." Nicky said teasingly laughing.

We walked over to the table and I sat down with Noah in my lap. Everyone continued talking while Noah and I ate our food.

"Okay so today starts the first day of training so um....Noah you and Jayli will be pared, Hunter you and Leon, Mickey you and me, and Nicky you and Jay." Lily said after doing some trick with her finger and all our emptied plates floated to the sink.

We all nodded and then we followed Lily to somewhere deep in the forest. I wanted to carry Noah but he insisted that he walk. After thirty minutes of walking down the food we just ate we arrived at this clearing.

It was to say the least.....amazing as hell. There was different areas for different training like combat, element magic, concentration/meditation, demon, angel training, etc.

"Okay, go where you like I don't care just don't kill each other." Lily said with a sighing smile.

"W-What d-do I do?" Noah asked looking down.

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