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Hey guys so this is the eighth chapter yay! If you get confused or anything don't be afraid to message me just make sure you address the text message to me so my sister won't answer. Oh by the way this chapter has some vital information. Thank you and I hope you like my book!


~~Brook POV~~

"Sorry." I muttered walking down the stairs. I had been shocked at Sages confession but none the less I would obey every order she gave me and I will gladly die protecting that order.

"What the hell was that?!" Hunter yelled at me again while Noah looked like a lost little puppy.

"My bad, I was throwing knives and Noah's head just happened to be in the way. Next time move." I stated plainly as I went to the kitchen to grab a water.

"The fuck did you just sa-?" Hunter started say until Noah put his hand on his shoulder.

"Sorry I was in your way, just yell and I'll moved next time." Noah said smiling. I could tell it was a fake smile and I could also tell he was just about as pissed as Hunter.

"Whatever." I said as I walked back up stairs. I felt a little guilty but I felt as though this was gonna get fun. After all it is a game on life and death and I'm the dealer.

I pushed the door open to Sage and I's room and gave her the water. I jumped on our bed and laid back as I swirled the knife around in my fingers.

"So did you ya 'know....murder him?" Sage asked looking shy but trust me that girl was anything but nice, she was kinda evil.

"That's not nice." Sage said pouting with an evil glare in her eyes.

"What? Oh opp's, well you are evil but I still love ya." I said kissing her cheek.

~~Hunter POV~~

"What. The. Fuck?" Noah said after brook went upstairs looking shocked. "She could have killed me!"

"Well I wouldn't have let that happen but technically yeah she could have." I said pulling my hair as I got frustrated. Right then my phone decided to ring and it was Leon.

"Hey Leon I'm kinda bus-"

I don't care! Look so I looked up that name Ash and.......Ash is the name of Lucifer and Gabriel's son, but Lucifer put a bounty on his head because with the amount of power he has when he gets his memories back and stuff he will be able to over throw Lucifer.' He yelled at me threw the phone

'Wait are you serious? I knew I felt that certain presence in him. Wait who was the last person to take the hit for killing him?' I asked frantically

'I don't know some person under the allies S.H.' He said sighing

'Well thanks dude. I'll talk to you later, bye.' I said and before he could respond I hung up the phone.

Who was S.H and why the fuck did he want my Noah?

"Hey, calm down, what happened?" Noah asked me pulling me into a much needed hug at the moment.

"Um we need to talk, I found out who you are." I said quietly. His face visible tensed and quickly turned into a look of panic.

"And, so who am I?" He asked looking like he was about to have a panic attack.

"Your name is Ash, the son of the devil, Lucifer and the archangel, Gabriel." I said as he had a full on panic attack.

~~Noah POV~~

"Hey, calm down, what happened?" I asked him pulling him into a much needed hug for the moment.

"Um we need to talk, I found out who you are." He said quietly. I'm quite sure my face visible tensed but was replaced with a look of panic as I started feeling though as something weighing on my chest.

"And, so who am I?" I asked getting even more nervous by the second.

"You're the son of the devil, Lucifer and the archangel, Gabriel." He said and I felt as though someone had their hands around my neck as I started hyperventilating. I started seeing black spots as my vision and my sense of gravity failed me. The last thing I heard was Hunter.

"Goddammit Noah, stay awake!"


Hey guys so that was the eighth chapter, Betrayal, sorry if it sucked. I tried so anyway what did you think?

Was it good?

Did I make any mistakes?

Remember to vote/comment/share/read and whatever else. Thank you and I hope you like my book!

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