Chapter 49

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Even though it was the week-end, my alarm clock was settle for eight AM. I had plans, big plans for today. For Zayn and I. I knew he was jealous about my week-end with Louis last week, even though he would never admit it. He had no need to, though, and I'm sure he knew it. But I still find it cute. Just a bit jealous, not too much.

I quickly got dressed with something classic : a pair of jeans and one of Zayn's sweater I had downstairs. I love wearing his clothes, it's like were even closer. I tied up my curly hair and rushed upstairs. I was happy, oh so damn happy. Zayn was the one making me this way.

I opened his bedroom's door without knocking, running towards his bed and jumping on it. I was laughing and smiling, and he was just turning around in his sheets, trying to stay asleep.

"Lex, come on !" He mumbled. "Just give me a few more minutes !"

"Get your fucking ass up Malik ! Told ya it was a week-end between the two of us !"

He let out a deep breath before sitting up. Before I could prepare myself, he grabbed my waist and pulled me to his chest. I laughed even more and his lips softly brushed my nose. My heart started to race faster and I hide my face in the crock of his neck. The perfect spot to plant plenty of soft kisses. Which I did. And we ended up spending a whole hour in his bed, kissing, laughing, talking, fooling around.

We were late in my planning, but I didn't mind. This 'morning in bed' with my man was the best way to start a week-end. When he was finally ready, I took his hand in mine and lead him outside the house, towards his mother's car. Yeah, I had planned it all. Even Mamma Malik was on it.

Turning the engines on, I gave Zayn a quick look. He was clearly wondering what was happening, where we were going. Usually, we would walk or sometimes take to bus when we were going out. But not today. The place I had in mind was a bit farther away.

As I was driving out of town, I let my thoughts wander. Zayn by my side was softly humming along the radio and it lead me to the memory of a night, earlier this week.


It was a bit late in the evening and I hadn't left the basement since I was back from school. I don't know, I was just not feeling like seeing people. It had been a hard day, with memories coming back to my mind with too much intensity. One year. One fucking year since I had first stepped inside the Treatment Center in Wolverhampton. And I couldn't quite believe how far I've come since that day.

I was laying in bed, cards in front of my face. I was reading them all, over and over again. Those were words I wrote more than a year ago, when life was nothing to me. All the reasons why I wanted to be dead. All the reasons why I felt like there was no point on living anymore.

When I heard footsteps in the stairs, I quickly hide the deck of cards under my mattress, smiling when Zayn was in sight. Even when I was feeling down, he had that thing that was putting my smile back on my lips.

"What was that ?" He asked while taking place next to me. I sat straight up and grabbed the plate he was handing me. I wasn't quite hungry, memories were too fresh. But still, I took a first bit before speaking up.

"Oh, nothing... Just some stuff I hadn't give a look in a while." I didn't wanted to bother him with my past. He had enough of his own. He nodded, understanding that I didn't wanted to talk about it more. He let me finish to eat, slowly. I put the plate aside once I was done, before sitting on his thighs. I needed distraction, and I knew he wouldn't be against it. We both heard his mom leaving a few moments ago.

As I wrapped my arms around his neck, he started to smile wildly. I crushed my lips against his and the kiss went on. Slow, soft, sensual... I was making me feel so many things with his lips only, making me shiver only by gently squeezing my hips.

Zayn laid back down, taking me with him. I broke the kiss, only to have a moment to look at his face. He was smiling and I wanted him so badly. I didn't wanted to fuck him, I wanted to make love to him. Over and over again. Not stopping until the day I'd die.

It went on and on, slowly. We had never made it that way before. It was so full of tenderness, so full of love... His hands all over my body, my fingers pulling his hair, the soft moans escaping from both of our mouths... It made me fall a bit more in love with him.

End of Flash-Back

I smiled as I remembered the moment. I looked over to Zayn, before grabbing his hand in mine. I kept on driving, he kept on singing. We kept on being happy.


It took us a good half an hour to find the place I had in mind, because I got a bit lost in the streets. Zayn laughed, such a beautiful sound. We went for a brunch, add an other hour of time spent with him. He argued on paying and I looked up to the sky when he did. As we were getting out of the place, our waitress handed a small piece of paper to Zayn. I looked over his shoulder and started to laugh. A phone number.

"You'll call her ?" I asked when I finally stopped laughing.

"Don't know... Should I ?" He gave me a side look as the words left his mouth. Teasing me.

"You can. But, if you do, she's dead. And so are you."

Zayn started to laugh and wrapped an arm around my shoulders. I leaned against him, smiling. I love us. The way we can always joke around, be our true selves...

We got back to the car and I sat behind the driving wheel once again. I took us back to Bradford, but not to the house. I stopped the engines in the middle of an empty parking lot, earning a curious glance from Zayn.

"Your turn." I said.

"What ?"

His eyes grew big as he said that, making me laugh. I leaned in to kiss his lips, softly, before getting out of the car. I walked to the other side, opening the passenger's door. "Your turn to drive. I told you that I was going to show you stuff. I was always doing that with Louis a while ago. You'll see, it's fun !" And it was. The memories of my best friend and I, on empty parking lot, me learning how to drive, was fucking awesome. I remembered the rush of adrenaline running through my veins when he took me there for the first time. And the feeling of control I had after that time, when he taught me how to drift.

He took a deep breath before stepping out of the car. He gave me a quick embrace and peck on the lips before going to the driver seat. I took the place he was few moments earlier and I couldn't help but laugh. I could easily understand why Louis found me so funny the first time.

I looked over to Zayn as he was turning the engines on. "You know a bit how to do it, right ?"

"Of course I do !" The way he said those words, it was like I was injuring his pride. I smiled even more and put the radio on. Then we started to move. At first, he was unsure of himself, it was quite cute. But he put on some confidence after a while and then... He was sexy as fuck. His strong hands on the wheel, his smile up to his ears...

We were going in circles, I was singing the song that was coming out of the stereo – a bit too high, a bit too late, but who cares anyway ? – laughing from time to time. I was feeling free. Finally. It was the feeling I had been looking for for ages. I rolled my window down, to have to cold wind of April in my hair, that I had let loose. My eyes were meeting Zayn's, I resisted the urge of planting a kiss right on his lips. I wanted to scream just how much I was glad to be alive.

I turned over to Zayn, once again. He turned over to me. Our eyes met. Then, nothing else.


You all knew how this was going to end ! But here it is ! Hope you enjoyed it !

The Other Side // Z.M.Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu