Chapter 12

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1 month later...

"You're so dumb."

"You love me, Alexis Dubois. Don't deny it."

I was about to tell Louis that he could just eat the shit coming out of my ass when my Mom barged into my room. I've always hated when she was doing that, even when I was just a little girl, but it was even worst now. Like... Can't I have some privacy ? She always say that I'm a "young woman", who know what I could be doing ? She surely doesn't want to walk in on that... Gross picture in my mind. I hope my Mom will never see me do that kind of things. 

"What are you still doing in bed ? Your teacher is coming soon !" She exclaimed when she saw that I was under the cover, the only light in the room being the screen of my phone. I even unplugged the clock because... Who wants to wake up in the morning ? 

"Calm down, holy shit... I've got time, it doesn't take me more than five minutes to get ready." With that, I looked back to my phone and browsed through the emoticons, searching for the poop one. I sent it to Louis and, yeah, I really found myself funny. 

"It's not because you're having home school that you can look like crap. Go take a shower and meet me in the kitchen in ten. I need to talk to you." With nothing more, she left the room. I let myself fall back in the pillow, life is hell. "Sorry bruh, the monster said it's time for me to go." With that, I left the covers and plugged my phone to the stereo. Volume up, not giving a crap about the song. I only wanted to break my mom's ears. I'm such a bitch, sometimes.


Ten minutes square later, I was rushing downstairs, all cleaned up, my wet hair already starting to curl in my back. Well, that was something my Mom hated, I knew it as soon as I stepped in front of her. She hated that, as well as my ripped skinny jeans and tank top. I smiled, walked passed her to the kitchen and grabbed a slice of bread. Not even bothering to put something on it, I took the first bit of it, waiting for my mother to tell me what the fuck was going on. But the woman was only looking at me, shocked as fuck.

"What ?" I asked, mouthful. 

"Hello Mother, how are you doing today ? Oh, I'm good, how about you ?"

"Fucking bad, you made me go out of bed."

"Language, young lady !" My Mom, trying to do authority. Yeah, sure. She was trying, for times to times but... She sucked at this. And I'm sure she has no clue about it !

"Just tell me what the fuck you wanted to tell me !"

"Your aunt invited us for Thanksgiving."

I literally dropped my slice of bread on the floor. 

Unless you know all of our family history, you can't know how fucking weird this is. 

My Mom is a single child, so my aunt is definitely my father's sister. They never gave us news of them since my father... went away, let's put it this way. I thought they hated us or something, because my father flew all the way down to France just to be with my Mom. And since she gave birth to me just a few weeks later, they thought that she had prank my Dad to stay with us because of that... Or maybe it's because I have my mother's last name. Some shit like that. Anyway. I had never seen them in my whole entire life. I think I have a cousin my age or something, but I'm not sure at all...

"Fuck..." That's the only sound that left my mouth before I ran all the way up the stairs. 

"It's in Bradford and we're going !" 

I slammed my bedroom door, before starting to walk all around my room. I was trying to think, to put that in order. What the fuck was that about ? She wanted US to go visit my FATHER's family, without HIM ? I mean, we don't even knew those people ! What if they are some short of psycho or something ? What are we going to do if they are ? I mean, they are still my father's family... They have the same blood and everyone knows my Dad is burning in hell.

I put the music back on and was in the middle of the first song when something clicked. Bradford. Fuck. I almost jumped on my phone to go see if I was right. I was looking in my old conversation, searching ours. Zayn. We hadn't talked much lately. In fact, I was tired of always being the first one to say hi, so I stopped texting. And he never did. At first, my heart ache at the thought that he wasn't thinking about me enough to just send a text, then it went away. Like what I had felt was just some error on the path of my life. 

I finally found it and just quickly typed the message, before thinking about it twice and deleting it. "You're living in Bradford, right ?"

And then I waited.

For real, I was expecting to wait way much more than that. Just a few seconds later, my phone was buzzing. His name was on the screen.

"Yeap... Why are you asking ?"

Why did it felt so great to read those words ? To know that I would be in the same town as him just in a few weeks ? I tried to push it away and to just answer. "I'll go there to see some family on Thanksgiving. We should do something ! x" Send. What the fuck ? I was mad at myself. Why the fuck did I just asked him if he wanted to do something ? Why the fuck that I put an "x" at the end ? God, I hated myself. I felt my phone buzzing in my hand and I threw it away, like it had burn me or something. At the same time, I heard someone knocking on my door. Oh, just awesome. My private teacher was probably there. I hate home school. You can't even miss it. Fucking hell. I miss going to real school. In fact, I missed ditching the real school. Anyway. The teacher was pounding on my door, might as well go see what the fuck she wants.


"Go to hell, Tomlinson." I threw him the first thing that fell under my hand, which happened to be a bottle of water. Without its cap. My best friend was all wet, standing in the middle of my living room. And still, he was able to stay serious. Chocked, even. 

"I'm being serious, Alexis. This is huge. You never saw them. Like... never in never. What if they are all jerk ? What if they are like..." He stopped himself before getting any further. I was already ready to slap him if he let those words out of his mouth. "Or what if your cousin is like... Super hot ? You know, super tan, blonde long hair, big boobs, an ass from out of space... Oh my God, if she is, you're going to present her to me, right ? Even more if she's a dirty. Do you think she will want to do a threesome with me and Hannah ?"

Oh my fuck, that guy and his threesome. He did it once and totally fell in love with it. I don't know why, he's just weird. And obsessed with sex. 

"Louis, for fuck's sake ! I don't even know if she exists for real ! Nor if she's a she !"

He grabbed a pillow from the couch and threw it to me. "You're breaking my dreams, right now."

"Sorry love."

He put, before letting himself fall right new to me. He put his arm around my shoulder and I snuggled on his side. Louis fell silent for a while, which was pretty rare. He probably was just going over every sexual option he could think of. 

"Do you think we could do a foursome ? Me, Hannah, your cousin and you ?"

"Just shut up, Tomlinson."

I wanted to fucking sleep. Just because I wouldn't hear him while sleeping. Well, with my luck, he would probably invade my dreams and continue to tell me all of his weird fantasies. Gross. 

But he did kept his mouth shut. That was a first, I definitely needed to put a gold star on my calendar. That's what I thought on doing, until that jerk opened his mouth back.

"Bradford... Is it where this Zayn guy lives ?"


And I threw him on the floor. Good bye pillow.


I love Louis and Alexis friendship, omg, how I miss my best friend... we used to be like that... :(

ANYWAYYY ! I know it's a huge fast forward, there's going to be an other one in the next chapter, but it's just... I really want that fiction to be over soon, because I've got something else in the back of my mind for yeaaaars and I just really want to start it. But I don't want to be writing two stories at the same time... Anyway. I know you all just want the Alexis and Zayn part x)

The Other Side // Z.M.Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt