Chapter 5

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I had decide to spend some alone time before the party tonight. Yeah, I like my crew and everything, but having them around too much was getting on my nerves at some point. They were so outgoing and loud that they were making my head ache by times. Anyway. I was laying on a towel, sunglasses on my nose, the sun kissing my skin, music playing in my ears. Some good old English band. Even though I had grow up in France, the England have always been THE country I was loving the most. The wind was surfing on my skin, softly. I was so damn fucking good. Until that enormous shadow came and block the sun. There, I was getting frustrated. I opened my eyes and, as I was about to curse at that unknown son of a bitch, I lost all my words. I only got up - and lost my sunglasses on the way - and threw my arms around his neck. God, I love him.

"I knew you were missing me here, all alone" Louis said, laughing. 


But I laughed back and his arms crushed my back. I wasn't the kind of girl who likes to be hugged and everything, but it was Louis, so it was okay. He kissed my cheek and put me back on my feet. He was looking at me like he had not seen me in a life time and I swatted his arm to put him back into reality. Which made him laugh and me... I smiled. The kind of real smile that was only for him. 

"You're meeting with your peps later today ?’’ he asked me, heading towards what I like to  call my room here, me right behind him. He turned the lights on, even though the sun was enough to light up the whole room. He threw himself on the mattress and I sat on the floor. 

‘’What do you think, dumb ass ? I called you for a party, deuh !’’ 

He only laughed and crossed his arms behind his head. I stared at him and couldn’t help but feel the happiness slowly creeping in. It was so fucking great to have him. My best friend. 

‘’Stop ! Louis, oh my god, just stop ! You’re going to burn the whole place down !’’ I screamed, trying to get him to get away from the oven. Yeah, mister Bright right here thought that he had made progress with cooking while I was away and… Now, there’s this big cloud of smoke in my caravan. Nice, euh ? We’re lucky my Mom is out at some women dinner tonight. 

‘’Everything’s alright, don’t worry Alex ! This is all… normal !’’ Yeah, well, we don’t have the same definition of normal. I can’t even put a name on what it was supposed to be. With what stains the counter, I can tell that it probably was supposed to be eggs or something. 

‘’Louis, just put that on the trash, we’re going to The Shack.'' I stated, taking the stove from his hands. Louis is kind of like a baby, he doesn’t give up. Like, never. Even in stupid situation like that. ESPECIALLY in stupid situations like that. 

We ended up fighting, my hands covering his on the handle, and the eggs ended on the floor. I stared at them, flying in the air and crashing on the ground. 

‘’Yeah, The Snack sounds great.’’ Louis said after seeing the disaster we had just made. ‘’Come on, let’s go.’'

He grabbed my hand and we headed outside. I was pretty sure that I didn’t wanted to be here when my mom will come back. She will be pissed. Fucking pissed. 

But with Louis’ hand in mine, under the hot sun of July, I couldn’t care less. 

‘’Damn it, I’m so full !’’ I laughed at Louis’ words. It was probably the fourth time he was saying that in the past five minutes. And, every time, he found himself eating more. I pushed the rest of my slice of pizza toward him and he started to eat it. It was my third one, Louis ate the rest of the pizza all by himself, like a big boy. And way much more than half of the french fries with ordered as sides. 

The sun was getting down, music started to fill the air. Which means that the party was just about to start. I couldn’t help but be excited. My first party here since I was back. I knew that I was about to have a fabulous night. 

‘’Ready ?’’ Louis asked, tossing every piece of trash in the pizza box.

‘’I finished eating like half an hour ago, you know ?’'

‘’Pssss.’’ He put his hand on my mouth to make me stop laughing and I bit it to be free again. Which worked and Louis ended up staring at me like I was some kind of crazy old woman. 

We both got up and Louis threw the box in a trash before we made our way out of The Snack. Louis’ arm rested on my shoulder and I let him do. Just because it was Louis. It didn’t take us long until we made it to the Play House, where the party was. 

The Play House is a small building where there’s a bunch of games, like flip boards and Mississippi games and baby foot and all that kind of stuff. During the day, it was full of young teenagers and kiddos but by the night… It was all ours, all partying and drinking and smoking. When we got there, the party was already well started. A smile made its way up to my lips, same with Louis.

The first of the crew that I saw was Bingo. He was probably already drunk, because he was still caring his teddy bear around. Next to him were Jenna, Andy and Marcus. I dragged Louis toward them and, as soon as we joined the circle, two beers found their ways up to our hands. I wasn’t fan of beer, really. I wasn’t fan of alcohol at all, even though I need to say that vodka isn’t that bad. Until you throw it up on the weeding dress of the soon to be wife of your boyfriend’s father. Yeah, that happened once. 

I was more into smoking. Which explain why, as soon as Marcus handed me the reefer, I put it to my lips and appreciated the taste and the buzzing of it. I really had been away from that for too long. A new song started and I grabbed Jenna's and Louis' hands.

"That's my jam ! Come on, let's go !" With that, I dragged them up to the bunch of sweaty teenagers dancing in the middle of the place. The party was just starting, life was just beginning. 


It was now past five in the morning, the sun was about to rise. We had an incredible night, my head was still dizzy from it as I stood in front of the lake, my two feet in the water. Louis was standing behind me, his arms wrapped around my waist, his chin resting on my shoulder. Next to us were the rest of the crew. The six of us were just staring at the horizon, waiting for I don't know what. But it was calm and it felt so nice. 

"So, where were you for the first half of the summer ? We missed you." Louis tightened his grip around my waist, thanks to Jenna's words. This girl is a fucking nosy bitch. But still, I kind of like her, she's nice to hang out. Even though I didn't wanted to answer that. I don't need to, right ? She was just about to ask again when Louis cut her off.

"With some family of mine in London. That's all my fault." What a lie. I had never been in London, not even once in my life. And I had not met his family neither, except from his mother, sisters and step-dad. I used to spend every day at his house, it was sure that they had crossed my path before. 

After that, I wasn't feeling all good and dizzy and everything that I like to feel. No. I felt like that damn pain was coming back in my chest and I fucking needed Louis. I fucking needed him, so I put my hands on his and squeezed his fingers slightly. He kissed my cheek, a soft kiss like he was always doing when I was feeling like this. 

"Want to go back to your lot ?" He whispered in my ear and I shook my head. No, I didn't wanted to go back there. My mom was back and probably fucking pissed at the new decoration of her kitchen and living room. 

Louis only pulled me closer to him. And we stared at the sun rising without a word.


Hello everybody ! Hope you enjoyed this chapter, I'm working on the sixth one today, so you'll be sure to have a chapter for the next two weeks ! 

Love, R xx

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