Chapter 7

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For once, I gave a damn about how I was looking. Or at least, it looked like I did. Jenna was the cause of it. She had decided to come over before the party to "have some girls time". In fact, she just wanted me to be her real sized barbie doll. Oh dear Jenna...

Anyway, I ended up wearing some sort of summer high heels, but not so high so I was sure that I would not fall on the ground with my every move, a black dress, not even reaching to middle of my thights. Quite long, if you want to know. Jenna did my hair too, straightening the red curls even if I told her that she was doing that for nothing, I knew that I would be sweating at the party and that they will be back to curls in a matter of time. 

"No one will be sober enough to notice !" That's what she told me then, and that's what she told me when I said the same thing about the make-up. So I ended up with lots of eye-shadow and mascara and eye-liner and lip-gloss. I wasn't even looking like myself. Which wasn't so bad, though. 

Jenna looked good, but no one cared about looking at her in those parties, they all knew she was with Andy since pre-school. She was "out of the market", as people say. Which was good. More boys for me. 

"Hey, you girls ready ?" Andy asked as he jumped in the caravan. 

Yeah, everyone was coming on and out without even bothering to knock. 

"Yeap, we are !" Jenna exclaimed, before leaning in to kiss him. I walked past them and headed outside, where I found Bingo and Marcus. Bingo's mouth fell to the ground when he saw me. And I gave him a gentle - but strong - slap on the cheek.

"Get over yourself, dude. This is just some Jenna magic, I'll be back to normal in the morning."

"How can a pretty girl be so rude ?" he whispered to himself. But loud enough for me to know that I was supposed to hear that. 

The three of us waited outside for Mark and Jenna to join us. I really wanted to just go inside and drag them out, but... They were probably making out right now. And I didn't want to see that. 

We waited ten minutes. Ten fucking minutes. After that, Marcus had enough. Hell, I had enough too, but he's just better than me to show it. He walked up to the window and passed his head through it. 

"Hey lovers, when you two are done making babies, you can join us to the party. Until then... Have fun !" With that, he turned around and left my lot. At the same moment, Bingo screamed "PARTY !" and I slapped the back of his head. That guy was so dumb.


The party was well started and Jenna and Andy joinded us not so long ago. They had enough of making out all alone, now they're making out around us. Anyway. When I looked to my phone, it was past eleven. Where the fuck was that Zayn guy anyway ? I had decided to stay sober because I wanted to really enjoy playing with him. But if he wasn't showing... Then he was just wasting my night and I hated that. 

Then I saw him walking in. And I smiled. Without telling my crew where I was going, I left them and walked up to Zayn. As soon as I was away from them, they went outside. Bunch of crap, they just want to lose me in the crowd. Nice friends, euh ?

"Zayn !" I shouted when I saw that the guy and no fucking clue on where I was and that he wasn't really - or should I say, not at all - at ease here. This made me smile a lot. "You want some ?" I added when I was just in front of him, pointing some guy with a bottle of beer in his hand.

"Not my kind of thing" he informed me. Hell yeah, I knew he wasn't that kind of guy. He was way too sweet and shy for that. 

"Not mine neither" I said back, without lying. What ? It's not because I drink often that I like that shit. I prefer getting high and all that kind of stuff. He laughed enrvously at my words and the song playing changed. It was one of those hell of a good one, perfect to throw your hands in the air and sing at the top of your lungs like a fucking dumb ass.

"Oh, that's my jam ! Dance with me !" With that, I grabbed his hand and gave him no choice but to follow me. I was a leader, I always knew it. Okay, I was probably getting a little bit too self-confident, but who cares ?

I dragged him outside and stopped in the middle of all these dancing drunk teenagers. i caught Jenna winking at me from afar and I looked up to the sky. No, I wasn't kissing the guy. Not now, at least. He would just run away and that would be a waste. 

I need to tell you that I don't know how to dance. Like... Not at all. So I just jumped all around, throwing my hands in the air. Zayn did the same and, by the smile on his face, I could tell he was having fun. That was a good start for me. 

When the song ended, I was out of breath. And this felt nice. Even though I needed to get back into shape. Like... Really quickly. I used to be able to stay all night on the dance floor, without stopping once. Let's just say that I wasn't, anymore. 

"Hey, come with me" I said and started to walk towards my crew. I knew by Bingo's face that he was upset that I caught them staring. Yeah, those bastards had been staring at me during the whole dance thinking they were subtle. Yeah, not a chance guys. 

"Okay, guys, so this is Zayn" I introduced him and really tried not to look at Jenna while saying that. "And Zayn, this is Andy, Jenna, Marcus and Bingo." He started to laugh when I said Bingo's name and it was so awkward that I couldn't help but joined him. I couldn't let him make a fool of himself alone, right ?

"So, where are you from ?" Jenna asked when we finally stopped laughing like some stupid idiots. But, that time, it was Mark's laugh that we all heard. "Don't act like you care !"

"Okay, you're right love. What boxer size are you wearing ?"

"Jenna !"

"What ? I asked something I was interested about !"

"Jenna, god !" With that, they both burst into laughing. I told you : Those two aren't a regular relationship. They are crazy, what more is there to say ? Marcus started to talk about the motocycling races he's been doing since last year - something fucking crazy, he is supposed to show me this summer - and Zayn seemed to become more and more confident. And I liked it. 


Hey guys ! I know this is short, I'm really sorry :( I'm trying my best to do longer chapter, but time is kind of slipping away those days... Anyway, I just hope you liked it ! xx

The Other Side // Z.M.जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें