Chapter 17

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My Mom rushed to my bedroom, screaming my name in the process. "ALEXIS ! " 

Shit. I really didn't needed her in my room right now. She would once again throw a fit about the fact that I spend too much time with Louis and that I shouldn't sleep in the same bed as a boy. Damn mothers. "I'm alright, it was just... a spider !" I heard her footsteps on the stairs stopping, then she went back down. Louis was just about to say something, but I knew my Mom was still too close. I put a finger on his lips and he looked up to the sky. I knew he just wanted to go out of my room, run after my Mom and tell her for the hundredth time that she didn't needed to be afraid of us sleeping in the same bed. And then, he would tell her one of his theories that follow no leads and she would tell him to shut up. And we would have gain one more night in my room. But I didn't needed that tonight.

Once I heard my Mom coming back up and closing the door behind her, I looked back at Louis. I waited a moment again, until I heard her shower running, before my finger left my friend's lips.

"Spider, really ?" Louis asked me, half-whispering, half-screaming. I looked at him with big eyes. "Do I really look like I have eight arms and an horrible face ?"

"Oh, shut up." I pushed him with my shoulder, making my way to my bed. Oh, sweet bed of mine, how I missed it ! Sharing a mattress with my Mom for four days was clearly too much for me.

I closed my eyes in pleasure, until Louis jumped on me. And he jumped on the mattress, again and again. I put my hands on my eyes, trying not to throw him on the floor. And, when he finally stopped jumping, he threw me a pillow in the face. So nice. Why was he my best friend again ?

"I went shopping with Hannah yesterday. I don't fucking know why she wanted to go, you know, girls and their needs for... Things. She shops way much more than you, it's impossible ! She spent like, what... ? An hour in the H&M ! You know how much I love the shop and how much I love shopping, but this was just... Too much for me ! I mean, I don't care if your shirt is going to be green fresh apple or green grass !" Louis and his way to make a total wast of words. He was lucky that we weren't restrained to a certain number of words in our lives. 

He continued to go on and on about his day at the mall with Hannah and he made me wonder what the fuck he was still doing with her. Until he said that they made out in a changing room. Then, I understood everything.

I zoned out after a while, he was just talking too much, and in too many details. My Mom's shower had stopped and Louis was still talking and talking. Fucking hell, do I really need to know that she took three sip of her drink before offering some to him ? Once again, I need to ask : Why was he my best friend ? "Oh, and I bought you something." Oh yeah, that's why. As soon as Louis said that, I pushed him to the side and sat back up. And he stopped talking.

"Show me." I demanded and he started to laugh. I'm not a superficial bitch, I need to say. It's just that Louis' gift are always so thoughtful and... Even though he was buying me clothes quite often, real gifts were rare.

He smiled and got a small box out of his pocket. "I know it's not your thing anymore, but I remember you telling me when we were younger that you wanted someone to buy you one someday..." With those words, he handed me the box and I opened it. "It's nothing big, but..." The charm bracelet was resting in my hand, already with some charms on it. The LA sign, for Louis and Alexis, as well as an anchor and the Eiffel Tower. "... I wanted to give you something special. Something with a meaning for you. I know I never told you, but I'm so proud of you, Alexis Dubois. You've been through hell and back and you're still here. I'm so proud of how far you've come since you got out of that treatment center. I know you're not always doing the right thing, and so do you." I slightly chuckled and lost myself in the blue of his eyes. "But you're fighting the worst part of it, everyday. I know it's not easy, I can see it in your eyes sometimes. But you're so strong Alexis... So fucking strong... And I'm proud of you."

His words were getting straight to my chest. And the tears I was containing earlier were back in my eyes. I jumped in his arms, holding him so tight. "Stop keeping it inside, Alex. Just let it out. It's just me here." He was so wrong. It wasn't just him. He was the best and I love him so much. But I couldn't say a word, my voice was trapped inside.

I let some tears roll down my cheeks. I just couldn't hold them in anymore. When I left Louis' embrace, I wiped my eyes, and I smiled. "Put it on" I demanded, putting the bracelet in his hand. He did so and then laid on the bed. I joined him, putting my cheek on his chest. His arm wrapped around my shoulder, I was feeling so protected. Louis was my best friend, he was so caring even though you would never think that at first. He seems so carefree, not giving a shit about anybody. He isn't giving to many people, but for the few he is... He is the best.

"Now, you need to tell me everything that happened this week-end. Especially with that Zayn guy." As the words left his mouth, I stood back up, staring right at him.

"Jerk !"

"That's all you've got ?" He laughed, tugging my shirt so I would lay back down.

"For the moment. Your gift makes it harder to insult you." I said, looking back to my wrist. The bracelet was beautiful. And so meaningful.

Once again, he laughed. Louis was probably the only person I know that was able to go to serious to totally ridicule in a matter of minutes. That was an other reason why I love him so much.

"So... ?" He asked, after silence made its way between us.

"So what ?" I knew exactly what he wanted me to talk about. But, I just... I don't know. It was like I wanted our moment to stay like this. Ours.

"Zayn ! Did you fuck him again ?"

"I don't know..." My voice was almost I whispered. I was afraid of the rest of the conversation, I was afraid to where it would go. What Louis would make me admit.

"What, you don't know ? It's a really simple question, darling. And it's really easy to know if you did or not. Did he put his penis in your vagina ?" Thanks to Louis and his blunt words. He was never afraid of saying things the way they were. That's probably why I was afraid of my next words. Why they didn't wanted to come out.

"Yeah, but..." I stopped myself. I couldn't. I just couldn't. Not only because I didn't wanted it to be true, but because saying it out loud would make it real. I wasn't ready for that. Louis had said minutes before that I was strong, but I wasn't enough for... that.

"Oh..." He whispered, letting the silence come between us. "But you don't know if you two just fucked or made love." The way he stated it felt so wrong. No, I couldn't make love to someone. Yet, at the same time... It felt so right. Like it was the word I was afraid to say, to admit to myself.

"I don't know, Louis, I just..." I wasn't able to finish my sentences, tonight. Luckily, my best friend knew exactly what was going on in my mind. His eyes were set into mines, reading my thoughts like no one else can.

"You're afraid. It's understandable, really. I would tell you to just go with the flow, but I know you too much. I know you can't just 'go with the flow' in that situation. I won't force you to tell me any details, but I just want to know one thing, alright ?"

I nodded and waited for the words to exit his mouth.

"When you're with him, with Zayn... Are you smiling ?"

"Yes" I breathed out, so quietly that I was sure he wouldn't have hear it if he hadn't been paying attention.

"You should keep on smiling."

Louis Tomlinson. My best friend. Oh fucking hell, I love him.


Omg, how cute are those two, really ?? ;oo I seriously loooove Louis. Like... Really.

Oh, and I need to share my joy with you guys (and it will explain why the chapters may not come every week once I'll run out of already written ones) : I've sent a manuscrit of something I wrote to an corrector and she just sent me back the doc, with lots of comments inside and everything... So I'm going to work my ass off for that project, because... OMG, IT MAY BE PUBLISHED SOME DAY ! Sorry, I just needed to scream a bit, I'm so excited ^^

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