Chapter 12 Back On The Ice

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Chapter 12
Back On The Ice

The rain runs down the outside of the car window, making the streets rushing past, a blur of a dark grey. Dad is driving me to the hospital, but my mind is else where. I remember how me and James went back to my house after picking a tree and we watched Christmas DVDs while we decorated the tree. My gaze turns from the window to my ankle, which is now fully healed. All I need now is the doctor to say that I can skate again.

"We're here," Dad smiles at me. We walk in and sit in the waiting room for fifteen minutes and then a nurse comes through and calls my name. We follow her into a room with a big desk and seats.

"Imogen, please take a seat." Dr Harrison, the doctor I saw three weeks ago, says.

I do as I am told and wait as he starts telling my dad all the boring details about my injury.

"...So as long as she doesn't overwork it, she can start skating again." he says and I smile to myself.

We go straight home after, and I get changed quickly and grab my skates. I fly out of the house and see the bus I need to get at the end of the road. I sprint to the bus stop and just get there on time. I climb on, and wait until I get to the rink. I'm going over my routine over and over again in my head as I walk in and put my skates on. It's just me on the rink so I can practice my jumps and spins with a lot of space. I begin to skate and it feels like home.


I'm in the middle of my sit spin when I hear someone sneeze. My legs are aching from the hours of work I've done. When I stop spinning I look around to see who sneezed and my eyes rest on a blonde male, sitting in the second row of seats. I skate over to him.

"What are you doing here Ethan?" I sigh.

"You know, I used to sneak in here and watch you. I probably did it once when we were dating, but that was to surprise you. And you didn't do as much skating then. And then, when we broke up, I would always just find myself here. And even when you weren't on the ice, I'd just sit here and think. But you started skating a lot more when we broke up. And for a lot longer. Sometimes I'd be in here for hours, just watching you wear yourself down. And I just sat here, knowing there was nothing I could do about it. I came here, everyday, for about two months. And I could always tell when you had had a bad day." His eyes are distant. "You work harder when you are stressed. As if getting everything right and perfect will make everything better. You would do the same spin over and over until you could do it perfectly every time. And then, as if you weren't tired enough, you would move on to a harder jump."

Tears threaten to fall from my eyes.

A door on the other side of the rink bangs.

"Imogen?" We hear James call.

Ethan stands up and looks at me dead in the eye. "Not everything needs to be perfect, Imogen. Don't throw away everything just for some competition." And with that, he turns around and slips away, before James sees him.

"Hey, Imogen," James calls when he spots me.

I skate over to him.

"Hey," I laugh at his excitement to see me and give him a quick kiss.

"That was a nice hello," he chuckles, "Are you in the middle of practising?"

My mind goes back to what Ethan said about me working too hard. I don't want to be that girl. "No, I just finished actually."

"Good," he smiles at me, "Do you need a ride home?"

"I do, thank you. I just need to get these skates off."

It's another short chapter I'm afraid. Only three chapters left! I may add an extra chapter but I'm not sure. I didn't leave it on a cliffhanger this time specially for you AliPaly ! I might start doing questions at the end of each chapter so here's this weeks one...
Question of the chapter (Qotc)

Who do you want Imogen to end up with?

I already know who she's going to end up with but I want to know what you think. Anywayyyyyyy, I hope you enjoyed and please vote if you did.


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