Chapter One

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That's what everything begins with right? Right from the start, we're surrounded by that nothingness that seems to engulf our entire being. It doesn't push and pull at us, but surrounds us in a pitch-black veil. Some choose to fight its grasp by trying to shove it away, however some embrace this timeless being, pulling it towards us, welcoming it.

I for one stopped struggling a long time ago. People tell me to keep fighting. To fight until the very end, but maybe I don't want to win. There comes a point where it all just becomes too much. When we come to be too tired to fight anymore. You might be thinking that I'm giving up, but I'm not. There's a difference between giving up, and knowing when you've had enough.

I sat there silently in the frozen, concrete room. Its grey walls were designed to keep me from the freedom that I longed for. I was alone. Apparently, I'm deemed "too dangerous" to be kept with the other prisoners. So, I was stuck here, with no other company except a creaky metal bed and a disgusting toilet bowl that obviously hasn't been cleaned since its installment. Letting out a sigh, I closed my eyes and cleared my mind before slowly standing up. Images began to pop up in my mind as I began to stretch, and then came the memories...

The frigid wind danced past the two of us as we circle one another, almost daring the other to make the first move. My small frame shivered as I clenched my fists tighter. The burly man across from me smirked and cracked his massive knuckles before making eye contact with me.

"Don't hold back kleine, or I will break you." The tone of his rough voice shook me to my bones as realization washed over me.

I had to win, or else I would die at the hands of this man.'

I opened my eyes and smirked as I heard the guards approaching.

"Okay newbie listen up, this is the most dangerous inmate among us so you will be on your guard the entire time. No matter what she says, no matter what she does, we cannot react in any way. There is no place for any fuck ups here you got that?"

"She can't be that dangerous captain. This is one of the most heavily guarded prisons in the world, even if she could escape from us, there would be nowhere for her to go." A confident voice replied as my plan in motion.

3rd POV

The older guard grimaced at the man's confidence and turned to face him.

"Your confidence is going to get you killed here boy." He snarled, "This woman, no this monster is something no should mess with. She'll end your life with the flick of her wrist without thinking twice." The newbie frowned before looking at the heavy cuffs he carried.

"What's her name anyways? All of the guards won't answer me when I ask, actually they avoid the topic like it's the black plague." The wrinkles seemed to deepen on the captain's forehead as he pulled out his keys and hesitates before unlocking the steel door.

"Cheshire." He whispered and slowly opened the door. The chill of the room seemed to bite through their uniforms and latch onto their skin. Their eyes widened at the site of the empty room, the captain shaking at the thought of her roaming freely. The young guard dropped the cuffs at his feet and pulled out his gun. "Boy, you best put that thing away unless you want to get yourself killed." The captain whispered harshly as he glared into the darkness of the cell.

"Get myself killed? This is fucking insane! How the hell could she get out of there!?" Sighing, the elder of the two turned to answer the naïve man when suddenly the cell door slammed shut successfully separating the two guards.


"Oh darling, how stupid can these newbies you bring get? You should have learned by now..." I chuckled as I slowly stalked towards his stiff form. He reached blindly for his gun before I pounced upon his back and took him to the ground.

His ragged wheezes for oxygen filled the room as I leaned towards his ear "Names have power, love" I whispered before snapping his neck. A grin slowly painted itself upon my face as the young one began to pound on the door.

"Captain?! Captain!! Are you okay? I'm coming in!" I stood from my position over the man, smile still carved across my cheeks as he fumbled with the keys. The blinding light of the hallway slowly came into view as I met the eyes of the man who was my next kill. I drank in his terror as I slowly advanced towards his shaking frame.

"They were right you know." I purred as he stumbled backwards. Pulling his gun out he aimed towards me.

"Not another step! I will shoot!" He boomed, a laugh escaped my lips as I rushed forward and kicked the gun from his hands and pinned him to the wall.

"I am a monster" I whispered, watching as he struggled against me.

"You're the devil! Someone help me! Help!" He yelled before I tightened my grip around his neck.

"No one can hear you my pet." I murmur, smirking. "There are two things you need to remember while begging for your life, one is to try to entertain the person holding you up by your neck, and the other is to give that person..." I paused before smiling sweetly.

"A convincing reason to not kill you."

The man's eyes widen as the smile forms into a sickening sweet grin and his Captains gun is raised to his head. "But you haven't managed to do either one of those so I suppose you'll just have to die" and without a second thought, I pull the trigger.

Kleine: Little one

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