Chapter 10

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Isabel's POV

When I woke up, it was cold and dark. I tried getting up but I realized that I was being held to something. It was cold and then I realized I was being chained down to something. I felt a smooth surface and knew it was a wall. I have no idea where I am or why Cole hasn't come looking for me yet. Does he not care about me? I screamed for help and a tall figure appeared out of nowhere.

"Hello Isabel", the voice said.

It was a woman's voice. Her voice was deep. She didn't sound very old or older young. Maybe somewhere in the middle.

"Who are you?", I asked.

"I'm just a girl. I'm here to get revenge on your little prince. If he told you what had happened 13 years ago, you would hate him", she said.

"There's no way I'll ever leave him. He's my mate. He won't leave me no matter what", I said.

"How about we play a game. It's a game where I hide and you to come find me. But I get to take over your body. You have fourteen days to find me", she said.

She disappeared before unlocking the chains. I was free and then I stepped on something soft. It was like a spongy like material. Wait. If this is my body, she must be in the soul area. That will take me forever to get there. I began walking and my stomach growled. I wish I'd had more to eat for breakfast instead of just that blood substitute. Which was a bad idea to have. I wonder if Cole had any idea that it was bad. Maybe he didn't know because he would never do something like this. I heard a man's voice and realized it was Cole's. He was talking to me.

"Cole. Help. I'm trapped inside my body. I need your help", I said.

The woman came back with an evil grin on her face. She looked happy with what's she done.

"Isabel. I had no idea you had powers. I mean, flying and fire. Just think about what I can do to your little prince", she said.

"No. This can't be happening. Who are you?", I asked.

"I'm Candace. Queen of the changelings. I died many years ago. The Prince killed me. After ten years of almost draining me of my blood, throwing me against walls and starved, I had enough. I was crowned queen of the changelings a year later. A month later I was put in the hospital and died a week later. Ever since then I was searching for a way to get close to Cole to only bring him down", she explained.

"Please. You don't have to do this. You can get over this. Just let me help you", I said.

"No. He needs to feel my pain. Better hurry and find me. In fourteen days, your little Prince is gonna die", she said.

I didn't hear her voice again. I have to find her and I have to do it in two days...

So what do you guys think about Candace? Do you think she's exaggerating? Comment what you think and I'll see you in the next chapter.

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