Chapter 16: "OH MY GOD" was all i could say

Start from the beginning

Well, this is fun! Im having an uber time! *rolls eyes* not. This is a club! I should be out dancing and having fun! Gettiing drunk, meeting new people. NOT sitting next to the bar, lookiing miserable.

"Here you go." The bartender placed a drink of some sort in front of my face, breaking me from my thoughts. I looked up at him n confusion.

"Um..I didn't order that?" I said, awkwardly pointing to the drink.

"Yeah i know, that guy over there did." the bartender motioned towards a guy on the other side of the bar; who waved at me and smiled. He looked like he was in his early 20's with his perfectly tanned skin, that blended in with his sandy blonde hair. His wide brown eyes brought out his natural beauty and i couldn't help but stare. His thick light eyebrows showed content, but friendly at the same time, his chiselled features quite prominent. He truly was a sight.

I just awkwardly waved back, slightly smiling, because well, what else could i do from over here? I carefully examined my drink, deciphering whether or not to drink this. I smelt it and immediately detected vodka and maybe orange juice? Since it was orange.

"It's called a screwdriver love." A voice from behind me said, startling me. I turned around to see that same guy standing next to me, with an amused look on his face.

"Oh, right. Thanks." I muttered embarrassed.

"It's alright," he chuckled, "may I?" He asked, motioning towards the seat next to me. I nodded and spun back around on my seat so i was facing the bar, mirroring the guy next to me. "Thanks."

"No worries" i smiled politely.

"So....are you going to drink that or play with it for the rest of the night?" He laughed. I was confused for a slight second until i caught on and and quietly laughed as well, realising what he was talking about.

"Right sorry, forgot." I replied taking a small sip of this 'screwdriver' as he calls it. I screwed my face up at the concoction, but relaxed a bit once my taste buds got used to the unfamiliar taste. Maybe thats why its called a screwdriver, because the first time you drink it, you 'screw' your face up at it. Get it? No? Okay.

"You okay now?" He asked amused. I looked down, blushing, from how stupid i must have looked about 5 seconds ago. I dont think i have ever managed to embarrass myself this much infront of anyone in a matter of 20 seconds. I think its a new record! 

"Haha, yeah?" I smiled, looking back up at him, but i think it came out more as a question. 

"So anyway, whats your name beautiful." He asked. Once again, i couldnt help but blush at his compliment. 

"Aria, you?" 

"Beautiful name for a beautiful girl. Names Andrew." He replied, slowly stroking his chin, quite erotically. Something about him though, was very soothing and comforting. I dont know if it was his appearance, or his mallifluous voice, but there was just that little something, and i cant put my finger on it. 

"Thanks, you too. Except your not a beautiful girl, i mean your beautiful, but that would sound weird because usually you call a girl beautiful, which your not. Your not a girl i mean, your a guy, and your not beautiful. I mean you are but you dont call guys beautiful, you call guys hot or cute and oh my god im babbling." I hid my face in my hands, once again embarrassed. I could hear him laughing at me once again; causing me more discomfiture. 

"Im not laughing at you for embarrassing yourself. Im laughing because your too cute." I lifted my head up to look at him. He looked like he was being serious, although the slight smirk was still there. 

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