A thousand times

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He noticed how hard it was to get Hermione. It took a while for him to actually get her number. He didn't know if she actually was that hard to get, or if she just played that role. But eventually he got it. But she never replied on his texts or calls.

" I must've called a thousands times, Hermione!" Draco exclaimed when they were walking to a coffeshop near the school. " I'm sorry, but I jag had alot going on. And...I didn't really know what to say to you on the phone. It's easier face to face."

Draco just gave a her a wide smile, but he didn't show his teeth. " It's okay, I was just messing with you." Hermione gave him a crooked smile back and looked down on the table.

" Hey, my eyes are up here." He said and lifted her chin up with his point finger. He could see how she blushed just by the touch.


" Come on Hermione, you can't be serious with this guy!" Ron said while they were taking a walk in Hyde Park.

" Why wouldn't I be? He's nice, and seems to like me. I like him. I think you would too if you just gave him a chance." Ron sighed in defeat, knowing he couldn't argue on that one.

" You're right, I just...I'm just scared he will hurt you, or things will end up bad. Sorry."

" It's alright, you know I love you. But things didn't just really work out the way I thought it would." Hermione said and placed a hand on his shoulder, Ron nodding. " I know."

Ron apologized to Draco later that day and they agreed to stay on the good side together.

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