Running out of time

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Hermione was waiting in their flat in London for Draco to come home after a night at the pub with Blaise and Ron. Harry didn't feel like coming with them so he stayed at home with Ginny who didn't live far away from them.

Luna Lovegood, a blonde and special girl who she met in the library when she tried to get a book from the highest shelf, and Luna was kind enough to help her, stayed with her until Draco got home.

First Hermione didn't really understand Luna, but she realized fast that she didn't really had any friends. So she decided one day to ask her if she wanted to join her and Ginny to a club, they've been friends since.

When it was getting a bit too late, around 1:30 am, Hermione had already called him fifteen times, left seven voice mails and sent ten texts. She was worried something had happened to him.

" Calm down, Hermione." Luna said with her calm voice and patted her back. " Maybe they just went lost and are trying to find their way back home? You know how it is when you get too much to drink."

Hermione appeciated Luna's try to calm her, but she was slowly starting to lose hope. " But then I think he should've called. Something like; ' Oh hi, I'm a bit lost here. I'm on this street, maybe you can guide me home?"

Luna called Harry and asked if he'd heard anything about the rest of the gang, which he actually had. He said he was about to call her just before she called him.

" Hermione must come to the police station."


" Oh my gosh, Draco, what happened?!" Hermione sat in front of him in a interrogation room. He wore an organge outfit, because his other clothes, according to the police, was full with blood.

" Hermione." Draco breathed out in relief. She took hus hand and stared at him with terrified eyes. " I'm so sorry, I did not mean for this to happen."

" What have you done? I must know."

Draco looked away first, but when he saw how worried she was in the corner of his eye, he looked at her again.

" I killed someone." Hermione could only shook her head, refused to not believe what just came out of this mouth. " No, no, you couldn't have."

" Believe me, I wish it was so."

" B-but why would you even do something like that? I mean, you've never been violent before. Right?"

" Before we met Hermione, there was this guy who would always pick on me. He bullied me for three years. And I thanked whatever God there is, for not bumping into him the first day at college. Instead I found you."

Hermione gave him a weak smile on her lips, but her eyes begged him to continue, so he did.

" But this night, out of every other nights, I met him again. He must've heard when Ron and I talked about, our wedding, because he came up to us and started throwing insults at me again."

" Ahuh..?"

" I didn't really care at first, and just turned my back on him. But when he said that he would found you, and do, disgusting things, and he called you a few pretty disgusting things too."

" So what did you do?"

" He took a few swings from me, Ron and Blaise tried to hold be back, of course. He said that we would take the rest outside. Ron and Blaise followed me, and told me to stay out of trouble. But I was so angry, and he kept insulting you right in front of me. I couldn't just stand there and take it. It felt like I failed you."

" So, you beat him to death?" Hermione asked, her breath was stuck in her throat. She didn't really want to know the answer, but deep inside she knew she needed to know.

" No, I suffocated him."

" Oh my...Draco what were you thinking with?!"

" I understand that you you're upset and angry, but, as long as we're in this together. I don't know how the world fell at our feets but it did."

" What?" Hermione snarled and looked at him as he was a disease. " What do you mean, together?" Draco gave her shocked look. " What do you mean?" Hermione snorted.

" You don't expect me to still be with you after this, now do you? You do realize you're going to jail when the trial is done and you've had your judge. This can be around 7-10 years, Draco."

" B-but you'll w-wait for me, r-right?"

" I can't walk around and let people know that I'm engaged to a criminal, or worse, a murderer."

" It was never my intention to kill him!" Draco raised his voice. " Well, you should've let him be." Draco didn't want to believe his ears

" If I didn't knew better. Hermione, I'm starting to believe that you're almost defending him."

" Oh no, but you should've let him be, and take his words as a man. But you don't know how to be that, don't you?"

Draco had no idea what was going on inside of Hermione's head right now. It was just like she became another person.

" What is your problem?! I know this doesn't look good, but you can't leave me. Not like this. I made a horrible mistake, I know Hermione. But I never planned this, and I did because he insulted and said horrible things about you. And he's been a pain in my ass for three years."

Hermione just shook her head. " I thought you were better than this Draco. We should have moved after we graduated."

Draco reached for her hands but she pushed them away, didn't dare to touch the same hands that just suffocated another man.

" But Hermione, if you were me, wouldn't you want me to stay? You're wanted to have me by your side, isn't that right? You can't leave me now when I need you the most."

Hermione raised an eyebrow, and took off her engagement ring and threw it across the table. " Here, I don't want it anymore."

" Don't do this, Hermione. You're angry and confused."

" I was fine without you before we met. I don't see why it would be a diffrence now after what you've done."

" Hermione. Please, I know it's no secret, that the both of us are running out of time here.

" Hello from the other side, Draco! Wake up, this isn't going to work even when you get out of jail. It will never be the same. Accept it."

Without any warning, Draco threw back the ring at her, and she gave him a shocked expression.

" Keep it. You'll need it when I'm gone."

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