Such a diffrence

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When the school started Draco found some new friends to hang out with. Blaise, Ron and Harry. He shared a room with Blaise, while Ron and Harry shared one.

One day, the drama club preformed the play ' Alice in Wonderland'. Draco usually hated drama, he didn't even like to go to the movies sometimes. But that special day, ' Alice' caught his eye.

But he could tell he regonized her. He nudged Harry with his elbow. " Harry, who is that girl? The one playing Alice?"

Harry didn't need to look twice. He just smiled warmly. " That's Hermione Granger, don't you regonize her at all?"
Granger...oh...that Granger.

" That's her? You're sure?" He said confused, not believing his eyes nor ears. " Wow..." He said startled. This was the day he become a fan of drama and such things.

" Don't even think about it, Draco." Ron said. " It's such a diffrence between you two. It would never work out in the end." Draco gave him a stern look. Both Harry and Blaise could feel the tension in the air.

" Do you know me Weasley? No, not really. And I bet that you believe that you know what she wants. But I'm sure you don't."

The rest of the play kept on, and the silence became uncomfortable. But not for Draco, no, he was determind to ask that girl out.

He applaused and cheered for her when the play was over. The first thing he did that night was to go up to room 89 and knock on it. A surprised Hermione opened and gave him a confused look.

" Can I have your number?" He asked.

Hello...? [ Dramione]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang