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Regret; To feel sorrow, or remorse for an act, fault or disappointment.

Hermione felt like a real fuck up, what had she done to herself? She ruined it all, not just for herself but for both of them. Draco got seven years for the murder he committed. It could've been worse, but for cooperated and replied the questions with full honesty he first got nine years.

But was released at year seven for well behavior and not causing any trouble and follow all the rules the prison had set up for the prisoners.
He was now living in Oxford and was trying to start a new life.

All this, had Hermione found it. She wanted to meet him, see him, talk to him. But all she could do now, was thinking about him. Even though she did meet him, she didn't know what to say. She couldn't just walk into his life and say;

" Hello, Draco. How are you? I've been an idiot, I need you to come back into my life again."

She would just sound more like a fool then. One mistake, that's all he did. Sure it was a hell of a big mistake, but she should've stood by his side. He did protect her, even though she wasn't there. All he did that night, was for her.

Now he was a free man, to do whatever he wanted. In some kind of way, she found his number, that's right. It didn't really take her so much time to find it, but calling and try to talk to him was a totally other story.

The first time she called him, she just wanted to confirm  it was him. So she dialed his number and put the phone up to her ear. A few signals went through before he picked up.

" Hello? Who's this?" Hermione tried to make her voice darker and took force from her stomach.

" Is this Draco Malfoy?" It was quiet for a few seconds.

" Yeah, who's asking though?"  That's when she hung up, her heart beating faster than the first kiss they shared. She tried to breath properly, but it was impossible. She put away her phone from her and didn't touch it until th next day.

After three days, she started calling more and more. She didn't want to send a text, even though it would be easier, because she wanted to hear his voice.

One day she couldn't pretend any more. " Seriously, whoever this is, if you don't stop calling soon I'll ask the police-"

" Draco." Thats all she needed to say for him to shut up. There was an uncomfortable silence before he spoke up again.

" What do you want?"

Now that was a good question, Hermione had never thought about that specific question.

" Hello? Can you hear me?"

" I'm sorry for breaking your heart." Hermione finally said. She could hear Draco sigh on the other line.

" Why don't you just leave me alone, Hermione? You've stayed away from me for seven years now. But it don't matter, it clearly doesn't tear you apart."

" No Draco you're wrong-" But he hung up. She couldn't really blame him, right? She deserved to be treated like this after all she's done to him. Oh how she wished they could turn back time now.


Hermione kept on calling him day after day, but now he just ignored her calls completley. She left several voice mails, which he always deleted. But one day, there was this one voice mail that caught his attention more than the other voice mails.

" Hi Draco. This time I'm not gonna keep on talking about how I feel, it's to typically of me to talk about myself, I'm sorry. I must've called a thousands times. I've tried to tell you how sorry I am. I don't know  why I did what I did. 

What I'm  actually trying to say is that; I am truly sorry, for breaking your heart, and fucked up our relationship. Now when I call, you never seem to be home. At least I can say that I've tried, just like when you tried to get me to stay seven years ago.

You were right about the engagement ring, I've needed it since the day you went to jail. And I can never forgive myself for not standing by your side when you needed me the most.
I hope that you're well.
I love you."

Hermione out her phone away once again and cried so hard she thought she might faint anytime soon. Almost getting a panic attack. She didn't understand how or where she went wrong. But now she'd told him about how she felt and how wrong she was.

All she could do now was wait.


Draco threw himself over the phone when he finished listen to the voice mail and dialed Hermione's number.

But he hung up after the first signal, he grabbed his jacket and car keyes. Jumped into the car and drove away like never before. With his speed, he could've won a race.

" Oh god don't let it be too late now. Shit, just pick up the fucking phone, Hermione." Draco cursed under his breath when he called her at the same time as driving.

" Hi, this is Hermione speaking. I am obviously occupied with something else so just say something after the-"

But to Draco's surprise, Hermione just picked up, both of them trying to catch their breath.

" Draco? Oh my god, did you get my-"

" Yes, yes I did. And I'm on my way to you right now. Just text me your adress and I'll be there."

" Wait what? Why?"

Draco chuckled. " What do you think? Hermione I'm sorry messing things up as well. I promise, as soon as I get a grip onto you, I'll never let go."

" Don't let me go, Draco. I'm so tired of feeling alone."

Suddenly the call disconnected. Too bad signal. " No, no, no, not now!"
Draco yelled and drove faster. The closer he got to London, the better signal he would get. He couldn't wait to say those three words. He needed her to know. Once and for all.

He called her again and she picked up and he basically screamed her name.

" Hermione! I-I love-" But it was too late, Draco's car got hit by another car on his left side. He had been too blind to see the car and the car didn't have time to stop.

It all went fast, way too fast. His brain got too many damages, and his heart stopped immediatley. There was blood everywhere, but this time it was his own.

All he hold onto was the phone. Only a weak and sad voice was speaking through it.

" Hello..?"

A/N; Hold onto the ones you love.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2015 ⏰

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