Hazel Eyes

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The hood of my jumper I wore was almost hiding all of my face, I was sitting in the back of an smokey room and was questioning myself how I ended up here. The last thing I could remember was I went out with my friends just to drink a beer or two. My eyes fixed a slim person in black clothes, the head was lowered. I would say it was a girl, she just putted away something in the pockets of her hoodie and was about to leave again. My sight was a bit blurred so I couldn't see her face properly, but she was moving so smoothly. Maybe she came here often? She checked the room, but no one was paying attention to her, so she seemed to be relieved. Until she noticed me. She looked up to me and glanced of appraisal. Before there was another reaction of her, she left. From then on I recognised her eyes very well, because they weren't just brown, no they were hazel. Very rare in Asian, but the boys always said that my blurred sight could have seen every fcking colour in her eyes.

The sight of my one bedroom flat was somehow fascinating. I could overlook Seoul and see the sunrise and sunset every day if the weather was good. It was early and the air was cold and clear. A new day just had started and it was the first time in a long time I woke up at my own flat. Anyway it was time to sort some things out. It probably would take some time, that's for sure.

My way led from my living area to the posh area, which I needed to pass every day if I want to go down to Seoul city and the school I'm attending.

I took the bus and watched all those kids who had a smile on their faces, ew! Don't get me wrong, but smiling happily wasn't my favourite thing I did every day.

"Hey V!", someone was greeting me. I looked straight up and saw two of my best friends. Min Yoongi, who was smiling bright and showed off a nasty wound on his cheek. With him was Park Jimin and looked trough dark glasses.

"What happened to you two? Long night? I thought we stay clean for the first day of school."

"Screw it! Possibly you're the only one who actually did it, but it doesn't matter even without any bruises you look like big trouble and danger.", teased Jimin and sat down in front of me. I didn't care, I know he was right, but I wasn't going to change that.

It was a twenty minute ride on the bus.

It wasn't exactly the first day of school, it just was our first day at our new school. We were transfer students from another high school in Seoul. A mysterious fire in the main building was reason enough to transfer the higher classes to another school. Now we were forced to transfer to a really good private high school, I didn't even know how that was possible. The tuitions must be very high and we weren't the best students. To be honest we just were causing trouble everywhere we could. It wasn't our fault... Well maybe sometimes it was. But it was like the trouble was searching for us.

"You're the new students, well one is missing. He hasn't the intention to attending school anymore? Or why is he late?"

We stand in file in the headmistress office to get our warm welcome from her. Our maknae was missing, like usual. Probably sleeping in some girls bed and dreaming of more pretty girls.

"Just to be clear, this here is another level. If you graduate from here you may have better chances and opportunities than you would ever have at your old school. Take the chance or don't bother us with your childish behaviours." The sight went from one to another. The bruises weren't very welcome here.

The headmistress wasn't even talking, it was the vice headmaster with a harsh tone.

Our leader took the word. "How is it possible for us to transfer to this school? We couldn't get into one of these even with a scholarship."

He spoke out was everyone else of us was wondering about.

"Somebody of my husband partners has a heart and maybe you boys reminded him of himself years ago. Appreciate it and do your best you can to graduate from this school. If you need any help let me know.", it was a change from night to day, from bad cop to good cop. The headmistress had a warm and welcome voice, her face was soft with a happy smile. The answer to the leaders question was sobering, so there was someone who was paying for our school fees.

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