Chapter Twenty

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Chapter Twenty

“Louis, are you really sure about this?” Harry asked, his hands clutching onto Louis' as they sat in that same university café. It was pretty much the only place where they found some privacy, other students were too busy with their own lives or with getting drunk, and the lovebirds gladly took advantage of it.

Louis nodded as he wiped away the tears that were streaming down his face. He had to leave in a few minutes, his mother expected him home to go for the last fitting of his suit, the wedding to Josh only a couple of days away now. “Yes, I have to.” he muttered, his voice weak and breaking because of the tears that kept on streaming down his face.

“Okay... Just... Louis, just know that you don't have to do this for me, okay? I mean... of course it will hurt if you're married to someone else, but Josh knows about us, so we could still be together in secret and you wouldn't have to leave your sisters. And Eleanor, and Zayn.” Harry replied, feeling rushed by time so obviously going by too quickly on the large clock at the wall in front of him.

“I know Harry, but I can't. I don't want to live a lie. I want to be with you and only you. And I know they will all understand. I probably won't see my sisters again, but I'm sure Eleanor will come and find us at some point. And Zayn... well, it's at least a couple of years before he's out of prison, so we'll just have to see where we stand by then.” Louis replied, gathering his gloves and his scarf from where he'd dropped them on the floor. “I-I have to run. Sorry.”

“I know, it's okay. I'll see you at Liam's tomorrow at three then?” Harry asked, standing up to put on his own coat.

“Yeah. I hate saying goodbye, but they deserve an explanation after everything that happened. See you.” Louis leaned in and pressed a long, loving kiss on Harry's lips before he pulled back and forced a small smile on his lips. “Love you.”

“Love you too Lou.” Harry muttered, watching his lover's back as he walked away, his step void of its usual spring. It was only when he tasted salt on his lips that Harry realised he had been crying as well. He shook his head and wiped the tears away before he went home himself, calling Liam on the way to make sure their appointment for the next day was still on.

Unlike Louis' mother, Josh caught on something being wrong with Louis as soon as he walked into the boutique where he had been waiting with his own mother for the Tomlinson's to arrive. He ignored their mothers greeting each other with high pitched squeals and exaggerated air kisses and pulled Louis' sleeve to take him aside for a minute.

“Are you alright?” he whispered urgently, his face scrunched up into a frown.

Louis just shook his head, afraid he'd start crying again and he didn't want to face any questions. Not that his mother had noticed he'd been crying the entire way here, or if she did notice, she obviously didn't care enough to ask about it.

“Want to talk about it?” Josh insisted. Even though they couldn't stand each other at first, they had quickly become friends, their shared faith creating a strong bond between the two young men.

“No. Well, not now. You could come back to ours when we're done here?” Louis muttered. He didn't really want to talk about it, the entire thing still too painful, but he owed Josh an explanation for what was bound to happen at the end of the week.

“Okay.” Josh nodded and squeezed Louis' hands before he pressed a sweet kiss on his cheek.

Louis had to admit it, his suit was absolutely perfect. 15 minutes after coming in to the shop, he was standing on a small wooden box, a seamstress knelt down beside him to check the length of his pants with his black dress shoes. If the occasion had been any happier, Louis probably would have smiled. He was even considering taking the suit with him for when he was ever getting married with Harry, but he knew there would be too many bad memories attached to it.

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