Chapter Nine

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Chapter Nine

Lottie's POV

My eyes fluttered open and I groaned, yesterday was so tiring... But it had been amazing. Louis and Eleanor had taken Fizz, Daisy, Phoebe and I out to the amusement park for a fun-filled day of fun! That sounds so childish but, I don't care. It was probably the best day I've had in a while. Fizz and I had been getting along better and going to the amusement park made it even better, I'm glad Louis and I talked the morning after the Ball. It really has made me take notice of things, allowed me to express how I felt and just... Be myself. Instead of being seen as a disgusting girl to those dear to me. And that's all that matters to me. I don't want my family to hate me because of stupid things I get into. No, I used to get into. I'm going to be myself, I'm not going to go around and try to get everyone's attention like I did before. Like I craved before.

Want to know why I did it?

Probably not but... I wanted to be noticed. Everyone, all my sisters, all the boys, even my friends took notice of Louis. They saw him as an angel and yet, they never saw him how I did. I love Louis and I hate how I took that side. The one side I saw of him privately, how he would tellme secrets, how we used to be... And used it against him. Sure he and Eleanor are close, they share everything together. And I mean everything. Like girls they like, boys they like, secrets and feelings. We all know that they won't be together, they both don't see each other in that light. But, still. Louis and I were close. In the mornings, before I began my... Bad phase? Rebellious stage? We would speak in the mornings, he would tell me of the night before and we'd share secrets. How he saw this hot guy and they had sex. If it wasn't for our family ideals, the idea of getting married before having sex, Louis and I wouldn't have talked as much as we used to. Now, I need to change this. I want to have that bond with my siblings again. I want to be able to sneak into Louis' in the middle of the night and have a heart-to-heart. I want to be able to walk into Fizz's room and help her with her make-up and gossip. I want to be able to walk into Daisy and Phoebe's room and sit down, so I can read them a goodnight story.

It's going to be a slow process but, it's all worth it. How can it not? I love them all. So much.

A yawn escaped my lips and I pushed myself up, off of my bed and stumbled towards my wardrobe, the tiredness affecting my legs as they were still stiff. What time is it anyway? Glancing over to the clock, I let out a groan. It's only half eight! Why am I up so early? It's the freaking summer! Shaking my head, I pulled on my light denim shorts and thin wooled red jumper before skipping out of my room. Even though it's early, I think today's going to be a good day. Fizz and I agreed on going out to town for a few hours until we have to come back for dinner. The big dinner. The one all of us can wait to have. We all know Louis doesn't want to marry Josh, but he won't object if it's for the family. If it's for mother. I don't understand why he doesn't! She's done nothing to help us, her and father had remained focused on the business and we've had to be raised by maids and nannies. That was until Louis stopped them, he was twelve and I was ten. The girls were only three. Everyday when school finished, Louis would run to the girls nursery and then would come to collect me before we returned home. Every single day, when I came to Secondary school, we continued the routine and even when he finished school he would always pick us up. All we want is for him to be happy, and being with Josh won't do that... Maybe I can talk to the girls and Eleanor, okay it'll just be Eleanor, Fizz and I. Phoebe and Daisy wouldn't be able to keep quiet.

"Lottie!" Someone shouted, I quirked an eyebrow and turned round, foot just about to touch one step of our grand staircase. Caroline stood a little while away from me, hands held behind her back as she smiled and caught up to me. We began walking down the stairs. I wonder what she wants, though whatever it is, I'm getting myself some breakfast. "How are you?" She asked, eyes staring at me, I bit my cheek and kept my eyes forward.

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