Chapter Nineteen

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Chapter Nineteen

"What is even the point of this?" Louis asked exasperately, henched over on a cushioned chair, elbow propped up on a rounded table beside him as he held his head up. He was the pure definition of bored. Jay glanced over, glaring at Louis' small outburst as Josh chuckled on the other side of the table, leaning back into his chair while a fake smile played across his face as he waved at both his parents and Louis'.

"I don't know... Neither of us care and they know it." He replied under his breath, Louis smirked and rolled his eyes as his and Josh's mothers cooed over the bridesmaids dresses. Lottie, Fizz, Daisy and Phoebe stepped out of the changing room, arms crossed in clear hatred and annoyance as they stared at the fluorescent pink dresses draped over their bodies. Praises and compliments left the parents lips and once they turned their heads to Louis and Josh, both boy couldn't stop the laughter that erupted as they shook their heads, trying to stifle it but to no avail. Slowly, as the heated stares and glares at them grew stronger, Louis sighed and covered his eyes with his hand, shielding his view from the disgusting over-the-top shade of pink before him, leaning back into his chair and letting out a groan of exaggerated frustration. Lottie smiled sweetly as Fizz walked towards them. Josh looked up at her, smiling warmly at his possible sister-in-law as she blushed and glanced between the two.

"What would you like us to wear, Lou?" She asked soflty, Louis smiled gently back at her and noticed the slight pleasing for him to try and stop their parents fussing. He let out a light chuckle, Phoebe and Daisy stumbling over, climbing onto his lap as Lottie sat on the arm of his chair. Josh couldn't conceal the grin crossing his lips as he looked over at the scene unfolding. Louis and his sisters. All looking at one another with such care and happiness as Phoebe and Daisy rambled on about what colours they liked and how pretty the wedding would be, while Lottie and Fizz seemed to be having a private silent conversation, eyes showing concern for Louis as Louis simply looked around, blessed at the fact he had his four beautiful girls beside him, getting along. A family portrait of perfection, Josh deemed it. But something was missing, a slight wishful glance in Louis' eyes proved it as Josh sighed, hearing a few suggestions of colours, his mind going over the fact that this was not what either of them wanted and everyone knew it. He wasn't the one Louis wanted or needed. It was Harry, he is who Louis loves and Louis belongs with. Like Marianne is to Josh.

"Green." Josh spoke aloud to their parents, both Louis and the girls' eyes flashed to him. The girls quriking their eyebrows, wondering why he would pick such a colour, while Louis' smile brightened.

"Green?" Jay asked, raising an eyebrow as she shook her head in disagreement and slight disgust at the simple idea of using green. She glanced over at Josh's mother to find the same expression and actions. "Why not a more... Romantic colour? Like Red?" She asked, but her decision had already been made as within a second, the two women were raiding the racks and shelves of the Wedding Shop that neither boy could remember the name of. The two fathers simply shrugged, turning to talk business as Josh sighed and turned to find Louis' gaze upon him. He mouthed, 'Thank You' and Josh raised a quizzical eyebrow, causing Louis to chuckle softly and roll his eyes as the girls were demanded to the changing rooms once more.

"Red?" Louis whispered, disbelief seeping through his playful voice.

"Red?" Josh repeated, gaspin dramatically as if in shock, Louis nodded eagerly as they both fought the urge to laugh.

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