Chapter Sixteen

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Chapter Sixteen

Harry and Louis' lips were still pressed firmly together when Liam and Niall found them, pressed against the side of the ride that was still in full swing. An annoying man's voice was talking all the time through the loud dance music, telling the people on the ride to shout and put their arms up, asking them if they wanted more which evoked a round of cheers from them. Niall smirked at Liam and waited for a minute before he decided to disturb the happy couple, happily leaning his head on his own boyfriend's shoulder.

“Should we tell them Zayn and the girls are gone again?” Niall requested while his fingers trailed the bare skin under Liam's shirt.

“Hmmm. I suppose it would be the right thing to do, but they seem to enjoy hiding though...” Liam answered, shivering slightly as Niall's fingers tickled his side.

When a deep throaty moan escaped between their feverishly kissing lips, Niall got a little uncomfortable and started to feel like he was watching some soft-erotic B-movie so he cleared his throat, making the two lovebirds look up in alarm.

Harry let out a relieved sigh when he found his two best friends looking at him and his boyfriend, and brought his hand to his lips, feeling how swollen and bruised they were from their heated kiss.

“God, you scared me. I thought you guys were Zayn.”

“Yeah, I don't think he'd be that subtle when he found us though.” Louis added gravely. Harry didn't reply, but squeezed his boyfriend's hand that he still held in his in a reassuring way.

“I'm sorry to be the bearer of bad news guys, but we should really get going. The B&B closes down in half an hour and if we don't make it there in time, we'll have to sleep on the streets.” Liam said, looking pretty sorry himself.

“Yeah, I'll be right there, you go ahead, I'd like to say goodbye to Louis before I come with you.” Harry said, watching his friends leave before he turned back to his gorgeous boyfriend. He let their foreheads rest against each other's and they both let out a sigh, their breaths mingling and creating a warm rush of air between them.

“I'm going to miss you so much...” Louis breathed, unable to look his boyfriend in the eyes, instead focusing on his luscious lips, afraid that Harry would see the tears threatening to spill if he looked up.

“I know.” Harry simply replied, squeezing his own eyes in an attempt to keep the tears down.

“Do you have to go back? Is there really no way that you can stay for the week? I could try and sneak out at night, Zayn won't mind as long as I have some bonding time with him during the day. Or the other way around. I'm sure he won't suspect anything, Lottie and Eleanor will have told him a good excuse by now. Please, Haz? I know it sounds stupid, but I don't think I can handle an entire week without being able to see you. I nearly freaked out when I couldn't even read your text messages as soon as I received them.” Louis was rambling, he always did when he was nervous or scared, excited or anxious. He was all of that right now.

“My mum expects me to get enrolled at uni this week.” Harry replied, his heart sinking at the thought of having to miss his boyfriend for such a long time.

“Couldn't you do that next week? Uni won't run away, I'm sure!” Louis exclaimed desperately, clinging to the black button down shirt his boyfriend was wearing.

Harry groaned, knowing that Louis had a point, but also knowing very well that his mother would give him hell for not coming back tomorrow like he had promised when he bribed her to let him come to Brighton for a day or two. “Fine.” He finally nodded, “I'll call my mum tomorrow, she'll be thoroughly pissed when I tell her I'm staying until Saturday, so I expect you to make my stay worth while.” he winked.

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