When five o'clock rolls around, Alex approaches me and tells me that it's almost time to open the doors. I escape to the toilet for a few seconds to make sure I'm not a complete mess. I also take a peek at my phone only to be disappointed. Quickly, I dial Seth's number, praying for him to pick up. To my surprise he still doesn't answer the phone and the fact that he hasn't tried to comfort me at all has my heart beating with pure anxiety.

Not only that but the fact that Alex pitched an idea for the exhibition to me last night almost drives me to insanity. I would be the center of attention all over again. I would depicted as something that would rile people up. This might go really well or really, really badly.

There's a knock on the door.

"One second!" I shout and stuff my face powder, phone and lip balm back into my purse. I run my hands over my hair, trying to slick down the fly-aways.

When I burst through the door, Beatrice greets me with a brilliant smile. She wraps her arms around me, pulls back and places feathery kisses on each of my cheeks.

"Belle, there you are. Look, they are all here for you," she exclaims excitedly, hooking her arm under mine.

People are slowly entering the gallery. Alex is at the entrance, greeting each one of them. He looks completely in his element. Like this is what he does every day.

"They're not all here for me." I try not to sound too pessimistic. I am extremely grateful for the opportunity I've been giving. I just wish I could watch it all as a bystander. "There are other great artists here."

"You are very humble... but you are right, I suppose. Everyone here is either very talented or very talented at finding talent." Beatrice laughs and steers me towards the entrance and Alex. Once he spots us, he immediately waves us over.

"There she is! My very own prodigy." I blush when Alex takes my hand into his and pulls me towards him.

The elderly couple that stands in front of him eyes me curiously. If I'm not wrong, I would say they are both in their sixties. The woman dressed in a fashionable red costume and the man in a sleek navy suit. They both have an air of superiority to them but wear pleasant smiles as Alex introduces me to them.

"Well, young lady," the man speaks up, "We are all very interested in your work today. A lot of us have come for you. We may look like shriveled up prunes but trust that we have our eye on fresh talents! We are not as conservative as some might have you believe."

I blow out a relieved breath.

"That's really good to hear," I mutter.

"Oh dear, don't be nervous! It's going to be fine, I promise. We'll love it."

"Thank you so much. It was really nice meeting you," I say politely as Alex urges me towards the next person.

The next few hours I spend by Alex's side. We talk and talk and talk all night. Sometimes about the displayed art, sometimes about my story and sometimes even about my life back home. Most people are at least polite if not ecstatic about meeting me. To say that all of this is overwhelming is the understatement of the century. I've never in my life seen so many wealthy people in one place!

Finally I get a few free minutes to myself and I go to the bar that has been set up near the entrance. I get myself a tall glass of ice cold water and chug it down. I haven't eaten since this morning and barely got a chance to have a drink so this feels like heaven.

Fishing my phone out of my purse, I notice that I have one missed call.


I decide to call him back now. He might be able to tell me if something's up with Seth. I make sure to tell Alex where I'm going and put on my winter coat before exiting the gallery. The fresh air is a blessing and clears my mind before I press the call button next to Sam's name on my phone.

Living for the fat girl [Book 2]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz