“Yeaah I do” I looked up and just looked into his eyes, just for a second I catch his gaze but I quickly looked away, “wanna listen to some muggle music?”

“Yeah sure” George said rather excited

“Okay hang on then,” I whacked out my phone and put the radio on, and just sat there with him, it got awkward. So I decided to liven things up a little I made a small ball of water splash him,

“Right come here” he screamed he put me over his shoulder I screamed and tried to hold down my skirt but failed! He could see my small black underwear, Jesus Christ I thought things couldn’t get any more embarrassing! He ran over to the lake and threw me in,

“Oh you’re going to pay for that!” I jumped to me feet and practically swepped him away with a small tidal wave! I was laughing my head off, I was laughing I feel move so I was lead in the lake! George walked over to me and lead next to me.

“Im soaking already so we might as well just lie in the lake now” he exclaimed, I rolled over so I was lead on top of him

“So George would you like to accompany me to the great hall for lunch since we’ve now missed breakfast”

“indeed I would” I rolled off him and we both started to head towards the great hall, as we walked through the corridors we got funny looks from people because we were still dripping wet but I didn't care I actually thought It was quite funny.

“Omg you two you look drenched!” Fred squealed me and George started to laugh “so what happened to you too?” he asked nosily

“Well he threw me in the lake so I hit him with a tidal wave” I said as a matter of faculty

“Hahaha nice one” I sat in-between the twins lee sat opposite me and the golden trio (harry Ron and Hermione) sat next to lee, as we tucked into lunch McGonagall came round with everyone’s time tables for the year,

“What’ve you got then jess” lee said as he grabbed my time table, “oh we have potions together but that’s it” he said slightly disappointed

“let’s see” Fred said taking my time table for lee “ahh jess you will be please to know you have all the same lessons as me and George”

“Oh great” I said sarcastically

“Oh don't sound too happy” George said slightly concerned

“I would be happy but now that you two are in my class im gonna fail because you will distract me” I started to laugh

“Indeed our hot bodies will distract you” Fred winked

“Tbh Fred I think mine might distract you more remember what happened on the train” I winked they went bright red and all embarrassed

“Well it’s not our fault your body so fucking hot is it!” George exclaimed I blushed but I was still laughing my butt off. After I stuffed my face with food George took me on the tour of the rest of the castle, we went everywhere including the astronomy tower, the quittage pitch and the owlery where I visited peanut. Last of all we went to the dark forest we had dried off finally but it was getting quite late and it was a little dark.

“This is the dark forest, I would take you in there but it’s creepy and we should be heading back to the castle it’s nearly curfew time.”

“Okay then I would say race ya but I know who would win”

“Indeed I know you would win cuz you freakishly fast!”

“Oh I know I am” I winked we walked back to the castle and started walking up the stairs, “thanks for today George I had fun”

“You’re welcome and so did I” he said as he took my hand. We walked back to the common room hand in hand wait does this mean he likes me :D oh I hope it does!!!!!

We got to the painting and I said “Flibbertigibbet”

“Excuse me” George said mocking me

“Shut up George” I let go of his hand regretfully and walked into the common room. Fred and the golden trio where still up.

“Hey guys” I said as I sat on mine George's and Fred’s sofa

“Heya jess” harry said, “So jess do you want me to give you a tour of the castle sometime like just me and you?”

“Harry, George took me on a tour already today” harry glared at George fiercely “nice thought thou harry” I said cheerfully

“Well im going to bed now night everyone” I heard a mixture of goodnights and okays. I turned back and smiled then continued to walk to the dorm, I started to strip off, I put on my pjs and climbed into bed, then a deep sleep, so deep I didn't even hear Hermione and Ginny come in later that evening.

daugter of a mass muderer (george weasley love story)Where stories live. Discover now