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Six Months Later

Two months after the battle against Solymicus, the Grey Wardens defeated the Archdemon at Fort Drakon in Denerim, ending the Fifth Blight and leaving their names engraved in history. After King Alistair and Queen Anora were finally brought back to their thrones, they made a memorial in honor of the Grey Wardens, and for one more cause. The other memorial listed 12 names and a few places: Jace, Lilliana, Ciala, Saphra, Luirlan, Glenn, Marina, Julian, Helena, Bruce, Ingrid, Talian, the Knights of Orlais, the Mages and the Templars of Kirkwall, the Dalish tribe of Keeper Sarith, and the Legion of the Dead for saving Fereldan, Orlais, Kirkwall, and the rest of the world from the unknown evil named Solymicus. Now all that's left is to rebuild and see how the Impossible 12 came to be after the battle.

(Jace's POV)

I entered my throne room to see my beautiful fioncé telling a tale to the children.

"And that's when Lilliana struck the evil Solymicus and slayed him once and for all! And that's how they got their name The Impossible 12." Then she turned her head and said "Jace!"

I kissed her cheek and said "Hey. Where is Saphra?"

"I don't know. She said she was going to hunt in the woods, but I think she might be going to see her new boyfriend or as we now call him, the captain of the guard." She laughed.

"I still can't believe Saphra and Glenn are together, but I'm sure they say the same about us. I'm just happy that I have you, Ciala." I said as I kissed her.

Then Saphra walked up to us with Glenn and said "Hey guys!"

"Wow. Can you believe what we have done in the last six months? I took Drakon Valley back over and the majority of the twelve of us are here right now! Glenn, your the Captain of the Guard. Ciala is my fioncé. Saphra, you and Julian are in charge of our Mages and Templars. I just wish the others would of stayed."

"Me too, Jace." Ciala said and then asked "Where are the others anyways?"

"Ingrid and Helena are living in Denerim now. After the Archdemon attack, Ingrid joined the guard there to help restore the city and order. Helena is living in a house with her, but Helena works as one of Queen Anora's secretaries. Talian joined back to hie Dalish clan as the Keeper's second. And finally, Luirlan is searching around Fereldan. He said he is coming back here to join us, but he wants to find himself first."

"I just hope they are okay." Glenn said calmly.

"Now let's get this wedding ready! After all, we are getting married tomorrow!" Ciala smiled and we all went back to our duties.

The End..?

A/N: Hey guys! You've finally reached the end of this book. I'm really sad that the book is over, but I can't guarantee that you won't see the crew again (notice the question mark above). Now to questions. Can you believe that Ciala and Jace are getting married?! How about the fact that Marina and Bruce are dead? Do you think that Lilliana and Solymicus really died? What about Glenn and Saphra being together? If I made a sequel, what do you think it would be about? I want to hear your opinion on these questions! I really hope you enjoyed this and thank you so much for reading this! Please comment and vote, personal message me if you want, and follow me if you would! Thanks!

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