XXVIII. Battle Cry

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(Jace's POV)

Everyone had finally arrived in Denerim and I said "Hello everyone, thank you for helping me and my friends. It's been a year since I've left home and it's been a rough one at that. Now I have to fight against Solymicus and all of you have a chance to show your skills. I know we will beat this and save this world."

Then Lilliana stepped foward and said "Hello. I'm just here to say that I have done some bad things in my past, but that is over now. Now we must join together and defeat Solymicus, together!"

Then Luirlan stepped up and said "Hello. I never would of thought that out of all places, that I'd be here, but I am. Now let's defeat this and save our families!"

Then Ciala walked up and said "I'm not one for speeches, but this isn't a speech. This is a battle cry and we will win this battle, together!"

Then Saphra walked up and said "When I joined this group, I was a little girl hiding from her fears. Now I am a independent young woman and I'm going to make sure we get through this, I promise."

Then Glenn walked up and said "I know that most of you are scared, and the ones who aren't are ready to die. Well we will get through this, we have too."

Then Marina walked up and said "My brother lead me here, if he hadn't, they would have killed me. I'm stronger with them then I was alone and I think we are strong enough to kill Solymicus. Now let's do this."

Then Julian walked up and said "I thank all of you for helping us. Together, we will save this world."

Then Helena walked up and said "Now is our time. We can do this, I know it. I will fight until I die if it means defeating Solymicus. That's all I have to say."

Then Bruce walked up and said "I only want to say one going and that is that failure is not an option. We have to win, we don't have a choice."

Then Ingrid walked up and said "In Orzammar, Darkspawn are an everyday issue. But now, this is different. This specific Darkspawn can destroy everything and you all are helping to preserve that. I thank you."

Then Talian walked up and said "I just joined this cause, but I saw Solymicus rise also. He is no matter to deal with lightly. We need all of you for this and we need you now! Now let's do this!"

"Okay, let's go." I said as we began to walk out to the battle field, ready for anything that came at us.

A/N: Hey guys! I know this isn't the most important Chapter, but I think it deserved to be here. Now we have the final battle left. What will happen, who will die, and who will live? Find out by reading the next 2 Chapters! Follow me, personal message me for questions and etc., & vote and comment on this story. Thanks!

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